Friday, April 29, 2011

Fabric and Jute wreath.

Last Saturday we had no plans so we were all just hanging out playing legos and such so I decided to throw together a little craft project.

I found a Dollar Store green wreath form in my stash left over from my Christmas ornament wreath. I didn't do a tutorial because I was totally freaked that it wouldn't work out. And I can't have another jute tree debacle on my record.

So I took some jute/twine and started wrapping and gluing every 10 or so turns. It took forever. And when I say forever, I actually mean forever.

Then, I took some linen samples that were sent to me from a designer (Hi Shelly!) to use on my chair that I ended up using a drop cloth for.

I just held on to one end and twisted them around and then started making wrapping them. It's really one of those things that are hard to explain, but once you start doing it, you just make it up along the way and it works. Right. Easy. Uh...sorry, There are tutorial out there. If you want me to do one, let me know. I'll make something up.

Here's how it turned out:

I'll give you a little hint as to how I work. On some of the flowers I rolled them first and then just shoved the glue gun in to some of the little crooks and crevices to get them to stick together. Easy? Lazy? Smart? You be the judge.

I love it. I am totally thrilled with the way it turned out. It was a totally free project. Except that I initially had to buy the jute and the wreath about 6 months ago, but that doesn't really count in my book.

I know what you're saying..."if she loves it so much, why isn't it hanging on her bee-utiful twenty-five dollar front door?

I went to hang it on the wreath hanger on the front door and I couldn't. No wreath hanger. Huh. I have no idea where it is or where it went or how it got off the door. So, there it sits. On the stairs. Until I can remember to pick up a new wreath hanger somewhere.

Love. It.

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