Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

We had a very low key Easter this year. Quiet times at our house. Oh, who am I kidding, it's never quiet here. NEVER.

We actually had a very BIG weekend for one little dude.

Traditional family photo with their best Easter shirts. Notice they are each wearing their favorite color.

Porter has been riding a two wheel since the beginning of last summer. He just got on and started riding.

We've been talking about it with Jack since his 4th birthday at the beginning of the month. We took his training wheels off and one them broke so we couldn't put them back on (wink, wink).

So we said, "Orange dude. You gotta do it." He said, "Okay." We went out and Tom held on for a few seconds and Jack said, "Daddy let go! I can do it myself!" So, Tom let go. Done. Jack's a two wheel rider.

They probably won't remember learning to ride their bikes. They'll just think they have always known. I mean, how much do you remember about being four? I got nothin. That's okay, because I will remember. And of course, I cried. I cried at the loss of my babies. I cried at the smile that spread across his face. I cried at the pride that was bursting out of that tiny little body....cried. Sobbed.

So, now we've got two out of three riding two-wheels.

Oh, and we found this little guy on our front stoop on Monday morning.....odd little fella. The boys think he's magical. I think the neighbors think they are funny....we're going to send him on in a few days...

Happy Day.


  1. Your story got me all teary-eyed! Your such a great Mom to write all if these fun things your family does ~ keep the stories coming!!! ~ heather

  2. Yep. Tears, here too. Very cool for the boys, tho!!!

    And the Gnome!!!!!! OH my gosh I LOVE the gnome!!!!!!!!!!

