Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Removing Veneer From Furniture

I heart Restoration Hardware. I don't heart the prices. At all. As a matter of fact, I have never bought a single thing there. Nothing. I oogle and gaze and drool over their industrial farmhouse style pieces with the soft leather and the industrial cart coffee tables and the worn in all the right places, but brand new furniture...I'm sure you do too. I could save up for something, but why would I, when I can do what I am about to show you. (If you think I'm bragging a little, it's because I am.) Just wait. It's well deserved bragging rights.

Here's a sample dresser from RH. Nice. Really Nice. Price, $1695.

I found this dresser at a Warehouse sale. It wasn't a great sale, I'll tell you about it later.

You can't tell in the photo, but it was only half finished. I had to re-sand the entire thing, and remove the veneer from the top. That is not an easy task.

To remove veneer from furniture get yourself a heat gun and a scraper. It's easiest to start on a section where the veneer is already pulling up. Just heat up the veneer and start shoving your scraper under it and pulling up with the scraper. When the veneer starts to smell like burning saurkraut then you know it is ready. The older the piece, generally the easier the veneer is to remove. The newer the piece, the better the glue became and so harder to remove.

It took me several days to remove the veneer from the top. Then I sanded things down again. First using 100 grit then going to 150 and finally 220. (The higher the number, the finer the sandpaper, the smoother the surface.) Then I wiped on some Minwax paste in clear to protect the entire piece. Paste is amazing. It gives it a protective coat without having to deal with sloppy poly.

I added some simple antique silver knobs. And it is finished. AND, I love it.

It is amazing. One of my all time favs. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Did I mention that. Oh, and it looks great in my dining room...too bad it has already found a home!

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. That is a beautiful piece! You did an awesome job. :) Chris

  2. this might be my favorite piece you have done... gorgeous!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! You are brilliant! Seriously, I drool over RH stuff all the time and never think to create a piece myself. You must do more!


  4. Love the finish on this....I know removing that veneer was a pain but it looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  5. wow! its lovely! I just did a Restoration Hardware inspired piece too. I have never tried to remove veneer -honestly I didnt know you could (successfully) -so i stayed away from pieces with it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. this is absolutely gorgeous. i don't think i would have been able to let it go!

  7. I just love the look of bare wood! Nice work!
