Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some new things I picked up.

When I read the garage sale postings on CL I am always amazed and flabbergast and frustrated. You know, when it says HUGE SALE. I expect to get there and see an actual HUGE sale. Tons of stuff pouring off the tables...huge is just a word apparently, not an actual descriptor of the sale.

Also, I expect that when I see "garage sale", like everyone, I expect garage sale prices....oh, and "warehouse sale, need everything gone"....ummm...then price your items properly and do some haggling. Cause when you are advertising that you must get rid of stuff, then price it as such!

That being said, I haggled on these two chairs at the warehouse sale and the next dresser too and got a pretty darn good deal, I think!

I showed you this dresser the other day. I got a huge blister on my hand from this beauty. But, it is totally worth it. SO. WORTH. IT. Unless of course I get a staph infection or something equally as gross.

A client sold this little gal to me. Can't wait to get some paint on her! And some glaze too.

This one is frustrating me a little, but it has some good potential! Hopefully I don't get too frustrated and end up putting it in the dumpster...

Oh, this one is done! I'll show you!

This one is almost finished. Love it. Love it. Love it.

This one is almost done too. I think you all are going to just roll over with this one. It's dreamy-licious.

Okay, that's just a little tease. Can't wait to show you all of them! Stay tuned!


  1. Can I come and live with you? You always get these great deals with great lines. I think you live near farms, right? I gotta get out of the city!

  2. Does that finished white dresser have a home already? I really like it. I'm REALLY needing some table/nightstand type pieces...maybe soon!

  3. You have quite a bit of projects going on. The one that's frustrating you, I'm seeing stripes. How do you feel about stripes?
