Thursday, May 20, 2010

Crocodile tears at the Spring Sing.

Porter's last few days of his first year of pre-school are here. They've been building up their "Spring Sing" for a few weeks and they've been practicing the songs since February....If you have been reading for awhile, you may remember that he didn't quite survive the "Critter Party Concert".

And....he didn't survive this one either.

This is where he spent a good portion of the concert.

He barely made it past the first few seconds....

His BFF's are the two little cuties in the front row. As you can see he's already starting to get shy....they hadn't even started yet! Poor little dude.

After one of his fantastic teachers tried to talk to him he came running over to me and we snuggled for a little while and I tried to get him to go back here....

But he didn't want to. So he went and sat with Daddy.

Which was just fine with me. . . Cause how can you not love seeing that?!


  1. You can't. Pure and simple. Well, my daughter had her last day of preschool today and she would be playing and the INSTANT that I would say something, an attitude instantly went up. I think that I am EMBARRASSING her already! How is that possible?!?!
