Friday, May 21, 2010

The Rooster Bench

My fabulous neighbors had a bench that they didn't absolutely LOVE the way it was and they didn't know where to put it, so we decided to fix it and make it a focal point in their dining room!

Here it is before:

The shape.....ooohhh....the's there!


So this bench. Is awesome. I heart this bench. When I painted the first coat I sent a message to my neighbor that said she couldn't have it back. No way, no how.

Then I put the second coat on and I wanted to cry. Or throw it in the trash and then cry. It kept getting dust on it while it was drying and the paint wasn't drying evenly and I was angry.

So I let it rest and came back, and put one final coat on it and I was back to happy. Yippeee!

We decided it needed a monogram because I WASN'T about to paint another rooster on it.

So, I free-handed this M. It stands for mine. All mine. No, duhs. Like I have to explain. It's their last name. So, yeah. Freehanded. Yikes. I was freaked. It turned out fab. I'm lovin' it. I love it. I wish it had my initial on it.

We took it to their garage so it was "out of site-out of mind"....I may just have to go over there and sit on it every once in awhile. Maybe they'll give me visitation rights. Like right now.



  1. This is fabulous! You need to link this to some parties to show it is awesome! If you do not know what parties go to my blog and on the header I have linkie parties I love... each day

  2. You did a great job! So sad you have to give it back! Maybe they will put you on their inheritance list.

  3. Looks so good in black. I should try to use black more. It will be your seat when you go visit!

  4. That bench is GORGEOUS!!! You did a great job. sad that it isn't yours. I love the monogram, freehanded, that is pretty nice.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  5. I this bench too! Great makeover as always, Kirsty.

  6. It turned out great! Of course it would have fit in perfectly at my house in the before picture!!! LOVE roosters!! lol

  7. I so need a bench like that for my backyard. Nice work...once again:)

  8. Great makeover. I love before and afters.

  9. Oh my goodness what lucky neighbours you have. I wish you lived next door. I have an old church bench that is just sitting outside getting weather beaten. You make sure to tell them how fortunate they are!
