Wednesday, May 19, 2010

White Club Chair

I found this chair at the thrift store that I vowed to never go back to because a few items were overpriced. Here's a good example of an underpriced item.

This chair was 5.99. But it was discount day on furniture so I got it for a whopping $3.97. Ummm....yeah. It's ug.

It's seems that someone had the brilliant idea to try and paint some green on the frame of the chair. Yikes. Otherwise the chair is in fantastic condition. Perfect under that fabric.

Because of whatever they used on this chair, I had some serious problems. Or, I'm just getting frustrated with furniture and need a break. Not sure.

I painted it gray first and I wasn't thrilled with it so then I painted it white, and it went all downhill from there. It was probably on too thick, or I was too anxious to get going on it... I just don't know. Either way, it's distressed and gorgeous now. In fact I woke up early the day of the garage sale, just to get it done before so I could put it out there with the rest of the furniture.....

I found gray trim. Gray! At Ben Franklin! Not JoAnn's! Ben Franklin! Love it. They had a bunch of colors. I'm so excited I found that out. Except that I vowed to do a corded trim on my next chair.

How pretty is this?!

White duck cloth.

Not for someone with kids that like to carry their sticky s'mores around the house and touch everything....


Or for those with little black and white dogs that like to curl up on soft cozy things....or eat garbage...

Our kitchen after we left to run an errand.

This chair was unharmed in the messing of the house by the dogs....

This is such a comfortable chair. I LOVE it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.


  1. You thief, you stole it for that price. And now looks wonderful. Does look comfortable too.

  2. mmmm...smores....and that chair? yummy as well!

  3. WHHHAAAATTTT!?! the price is amazing but the OUTCOME is even BETTER!! you've got the eye for greatness, girl.

  4. It looks great. I have been a the seach for an exact chair like this--that is affordable. Awesome transformation.

  5. Wow it really cleaned up great!! Love a bargain and transformation!

  6. I love it too. You did a great job on the chair.
