Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Garage Sale

We had our neighborhood garage sale this weekend. I was so nervous. I realized that I wasn't just putting our stuff out that nobody uses anymore, but I was putting myself out there for everyone to judge and make fun of right in front of me. I was a tiny bit freaked about that.

I put a posting up on Craigslist hoping that I would get a little business from people that were looking for furniture.

Our neighborhood was hopping over the weekend. EVERYONE was out. Neighbors were coming out of their houses, it was fantastic.

I hardly sold anything. I sold some stuff, yes. But not much. I've decided garage sales are not the venue for selling my furniture, BUT, I met a ton of people, got some great feedback and drummed up some business around the neighborhood. All-in-all I would call it a success.

I got more comments on the state of our garage floor than anything else! People thought it was great! Or they lied and said it was great. Okay, so I sold a few things, now that I'm looking at the picture. Two mirrors (the big white one and one of the oval ones), that table (from IKEA) and the bird cage on the right, The blue dresser that I actually painted white for the person that wanted it, the lamp, the tiny blue chair, the green stool and all those knick-knacks on the dresser. Oh and that little black mirror.

I'm know you all wanted to know all that boring info...I'm documenting our life here, so hang on!

I still have that stinkin' settee that everyone loves but no one wants, the pink chair that gives me hives and baby fever because it's the only pink thing in our entire house, and two white chairs, the cane chair and a new one that are  not pictured! Friends were surprised that everything didn't go right away....I was not. I was told I should get a booth at our town's monthly Artisan Fair. Which would be fun, so we'll see.

Off to paint some furniture....


  1. Sounds like you sold quite a bit! I know what you mean about the freaked out part. I don't like being judged either! But really you did great.

  2. I am so happy for you-
    I have my garage sale coming up this weekend, and I have made a few things for it-You have been my inspiration!

  3. That pink chair is lovely! I'm shocked it didn't go.

  4. We had the same experience with trying the yard sale route. At least you sold something! :)

  5. I'd love to find out how the booth goes! I'm thinking of doing one later this summer at a nearby weekly sale.

  6. Jen at The Magic Brush also had a garage sale and did not sell a lot of her pieces either. Not that you need to feel better about it or anything. Just wanted you to know that she stated that the Garage Sale was not the correct venue. Her stuff is stunning and she does the CL way, too.

    Then there's Pam at Becolorful who gathers other painter/artist gals and twice a year picks a spot and has an advertised two day sale. They call it the Traveling Door.

    Your painting is beautiful and your style and choices are wonderful - not too out there - meaning regular folks and artsy kind alike can dig your stuff and visualize it in their homes/offices/classrooms, etc.

    Love ALL your stuff!!!
