Monday, May 17, 2010

The wheels came off

Big news in our house.

Our first born. My first baby. My little munchkin is no longer little.

Not his birthday. Nope.

We took off the training wheels...on his bike. Duh. It took him all of about 20 minutes to start standing up on the pedals and trying to do wheelies.

IT WAS AWESOME. Tom and I can't stop talking about how proud we are and how absolutely amazed we are that he figured it out. It took no time at all.

Seriously. Ah-maz-ing. We freaked out. We were yelling and screaming and crying....I don't know what I'm going to do at his high school graduation....I'll be a mess.


  1. Just cried like a baby at my baby girls COLLEGE graduation. It never stops. Taking the training wheels off is a really big day! For all...

  2. My oldest has hit the same milestone - and it seemed to be so easy! My hubs and I sat staring at each other wondering where all the running after him while holding on to the seat of the bike went?! Our kiddo hopped on the bike and got Hubs help for 1 trip and then he was off! Congrats to your guy! {I cried. :S}

  3. So exciting! Did you get it on video? Funny how fast they learn stuff like this but then cleaning their room? Not so much!

  4. You always manage to make me laugh - even with this very profound and touching moment in your life!!!

  5. That IS wonderful!!!
    I think learning to ride a bike is so exciting as a mom!
