Friday, June 3, 2011

Meet Jillian

I love when a previous customer (ha! It's so funny to say that.) gives my name out. Love it! But this time it wasn't to do some painting, it was to buy some pieces to refab.

This little transaction brought me this piece:

I love these. This was in great shape too. And the drawers inside are red!

So, it was painted my favorite leaf green.

Then, I sat down and started painting the grooves. I used this brush...

a wet wipe and a glass of wine.

(It looks different here, because I took this photo at night.) 

I asked the buyer if they were willing to take a little risk on the pulls. They trusted me. (Crazy fools.) And so I painted them NAVY....

I distressed it just a tish.

And I am completely in love.

Wouldn't you agree?! So great!

Love, love, love!


  1. Kristy, you must have the patience of Job to have painted all those white highlights! The cabinet looks wonderful! I have been a stalker of your blog for months and love your writing style and sense of humor. I have just started my own blog and only wish that I could write as well as you!
