Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tidbits of the week.

I'm here. Honestly. I'm in the midst of moving everything over to Wordpress and I tore my eyeballs out of their sockets yesterday...

Then put them back in to watch the kids run on the Slip n' Slide because it is 100 degrees and about the same humidity.

Also, my psycho neighbors all got together on Saturday morning at the crack of dawn and ran some stairs and did some sprints. Then we turned around the next day and ran 8 miles. I swear. These neighbors are trying to kill me. I couldn't walk for two days.

I've been painting a little, but we've been having a lot of fun going to the beach and hanging out, so I haven't been searching too much for stuff, but that will pick up as soon as both Jack and Porter are in summer school. Plus, I've got a sitter coming one day a week, so I can do some stuff for myself!

We do have big news in our house. If you have been reading for awhile you'll remember that Porter (our 5 year old) has terrible stage fright. HORRIBLE. Well, his 4K program was last Friday and I did what every normal parent would do. I bribed him with ice cream. I'm not above a little incentive...

That's him in the red and gray. He stayed the ENTIRE time. NO tears. He even participated...a little.

Do you know who cried like a baby? Me. I was so proud. SO proud I could hardly stand it.

There he is getting his 4K diploma. His teachers were so impressed with him. Love it. What a great kid.

You think I would end without a little more eye candy???

Oh, wait, this isn't beautiful....yet. I picked it up on the side of the road. The drawers are shot. But I just couldn't get rid of it. I have a BRILLIANT idea. Can't wait to show you.

Now this. THIS is some eye candy. I used Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue. I even have a more detailed post, but you'll have to wait until next time.

Stay tuned!


  1. Aww, good for your son! Sounds like our boys may be close in age. Mine starts kindergarten in August. Beautiful dresser too!

  2. I just finished a dresser in Duck Egg Blue too!

    We live in the Milwaukee area as well and this sudden heat crazy weird. Glad it's here, but it would have been nice if it were a little more gradual.

    Love your blog!
