Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our weekend

We went to Tom's parent's cabin this weekend in the Northwoods. It sounds fancy when you say "Northwoods".

We brought home this:

Just kidding!

I wanted to bring this home:

But where would I put it?

What we did bring home was a ton of wood for projects and a hand me down riding lawn mower so I can stop push mowing the lawn with Gus in the Kelty on my back.

We did a ton of this:

And just so you freak out a little more, I did this:

Remember when I was talking last week about the Northern Water Snake?! We held them.  And never for a second thought about bringing them home. But, since Tom and I really don't care for snakes that much, it was a huge feat for both of us to show our boys how brave we are!


  1. Great photos! Love the hubbies hat. The trip looks like a great relaxing time. The snake isn't so bad brave mama!

  2. Oh, I hate snakes. Last summer, we had friends over for dinner and cards and, as they were standing on the front porch preparing to say their goodbyes, the wife half of the couple spotted a huge snake just laying across the top on the door. She screamed. We slammed the door...leaving her alone on the porch with our uninvited guest. lol

  3. Looks like a fun trip, nice pictures.

  4. I don't mind snakes, only when they bite I guess! HA
