Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photo Gallery

I used to have nine photos on this wall. All the same frame. All lined up perfectly in a 3 x 3 configuration. I liked it, then I didn't like it, cause I thought I was being kind of boring....

I've wanted a gallery wall forever. We had one growing up, maybe I'm imagining it, nope, I remember, it's where I had my first kiss...that's right. Sorry, Dad. His name was Aaron, he's now in the army. I don't think there is a correlation....Tom's family had one too. I remember the first time I went there and saw all the pictures of him and his much fun to look at those old photos!

So, I had this wall of photos and since hubs in away for a few days, it was time to change something....because if you've read for awhile, you'll remember that while hubby is away something has to change....

So, I took this ho-hum wall, that you can see a little of here:

And I changed it to this spectacular display of crooked photos.....

The photos will never be straight, they just won't. I'm slightly okay with it. Except that right now I want to go over there and tip each photo, just slightly. I hope I can sleep at night. Please don't be the person that says, say if you could just move that photo three in from the left and two down, to the right a little....

I love it. It makes me happy looking at all the photos in the room we spend the most amount of time.

Oh, that white frame behind the's just a frame. It surrounds a light switch.

I was tempted to paint all of the frames white...I know! Can you believe it? Instead I just threw in the white ones I had whether there was a picture or not. And now my mantel is bare nekked.

I did not have a plan. I did not lay them all out and figure out which fit best where. I just started on the left and worked my way over. Things worked. I got lucky. I only had to re-nail three photos. And only one photo fell down while hammering into our flimsy walls....I call that a successful project.

Now. Let's see how long it takes hubs to notice....unless of course he reads this...


  1. I love it! I love walking into a room with tons of you a little glimpse into the life of the family that lives there.

  2. it looks great! and that is exactly how i do gallery walls.... i just keep on hanging. lay out shmay out is what i say! there may be some extra holes hiding behind some of my frame,s but ah, who cares!

  3. It looks GREAT! I have a similar thing going on in our stairwell. TIP: you can use that yellow tacky stuff to keep the frames in place. I place a small bit of it on the bottom corner of my frames. Hope it works for you too!

  4. Here's what I'm talking about:

  5. I love it looks great. I also use poster putty to keep my frames straight.

  6. I have a photo wall that get a little shake every time the door to the garage shuts. So, as you can imagine, none of the photos were ever straight.

    The solution.... double stick velcro.

  7. Family Wall Love.

    (and I noticed your slipcover wing sitting there, trying to be inconspicuous!)

  8. Looks great! I love how you used larger white frame outside the black frame with the photo.

  9. Love it. My OCD would make me use the 3M sticky stuff on the bottom of the frames that tilt a bit.

    But it's gorgeous.

  10. I'm working on one too....I LOVE the one from "young house love"...but now I'm really liking your idea of using black and white frames...I started spraying some white but I may leave some now....ideas, ideas!

  11. you have inspired me to do a photo wall in my hall way. Can I count on you to come hang them for me?
