Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Channeling My Inner MMS

Miss Mustard Seed. I think I'd like to be her. Or marry her. Or just be inside her head for a few hours.

My friend Ann Marie over at Twice Lovely says I have MMS envy. She has it too. Mine took over and I had to try making a slipcover for something. Anything!

I found this chair at Goodwill for $20 while my Dad was here. I hemmed and hawed over it while at the store and left without it. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so during quiet time I ran back there. I was seriously having a panic attack worrying that someone had picked it up after I left.

I ripped that tag off and took it directly to the front. It was thrilling. I was stressed. It makes for a good story....

That kid wouldn't get out of my chair. It's in great shape except for the tear on the armpit....that's right, he's wearing a Halloween costume. We do that here.

I watched all of MMS's videos. All of them....at the same time...and then if I got confused, I rewatched.

I am not going to bore you with how I did it, because so many others do such a better job (at boring you...no....just kidding...at explaining the slipcover process) and mine is NOT perfect. In fact, if someone came over, I may hide the chair. No I wouldn't, I'm too lazy for that.

I couldn't help but think of The Cosby Show while doing this project. Remember the episode where Denise tries to make a copy of the very expensive shirt for Theo. It was yellow and black. And totally wrong. That's how I felt. I didn't feel like MMS. I felt like Denise.

There was a lot of pinning, a lot of poking myself with needles, a ton of swearing like a sailor, and to be honest, I shed a few tears of frustration. But, she's done. And she is the most comfortable piece of furniture ever.

Actually, I did a pretty stellar job at the cushion. I'm pretty impressed with myself on that part of it. The armpits of the chair, eh....but if I put a pillow on it, you can't even tell....

 See...nice, right? I know. Totally awesome. Please ignore the misaligned bottom hem...look at the cushion, look at the cushion!

 I may do another one sometime. Maybe.

That's right. She did ribbon, so I did ribbon.

I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I'm just praying it doesn't come apart...

Happy Tuesday!

I'm nervously sharing this with MMS. She's going to find out I have a furniture crush on her....or I'm obsessed.....yikes....

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Kirsty, I laughed out loud *several* times while reading your wonderful post! (We hang out in Halloween costumes around here, too ... and, I remember that hysterical episode!)

    Back to your chair ... it looks fabulous ... down to the ribbons. You did an incredible job!! I think we all have MMS envy, don't we? Well, now I have Kirsty envy, too! Well done.

    Thanks for the inspiration (and the laugh). *Becca*

  2. You did an awesome job. A challenge for anyone....even Marion. Like me, she is a painter by trade so sewing is a challenge for even MMS. I know Marion...jealous? She was at the shops where I have a shop. Look for us, Chartreuse and Co., in May Southern Living. Marion is an awesome photographer and blogger. EVERYONE is a little green. Hahahaha.

  3. I think it turned out lovely! You are brave for even trying!! We wear superhero costumes all.the.time here (my kids...not me). I may or may not have let them wear them to the hardware store last weekend to pick up paint....

  4. Awesome job on the seat cushion - those scare me the most about making slipcovers. :)

  5. You did a great job!! MMS will be proud of you. :) I sewed a slip cover early on in our furniture redoing days and it was painful for me (a very amateur sewer with a hand me down sewing machine she knows nothing about.) It had some (ah hem) issues too, but it ended up selling for $150, so I was excited. That's like 2 cents and hour. ;) Here's my (one and only) slip cover. I don't think I'll try it again. http://twicelovely.blogspot.com/2010/04/upholstered-arm-chair.html

  6. KIRSTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTAL CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and hey, when you sit in a chair are you looking at the armpits? I think NOT!!!!

    Mission Accomplished!


    btw, LOVE the size of that chair!!!

  7. Above all else, guard your heart for it affects everything else you do. ~Proverbs 4:23

    God bless you and have a nice day :-)

  8. They look amazing, you did an amazing job:)

  9. Isn't it funny how MMS is like some kind of rock star to all of us bloggy fans?!!!

    Anyway, your chair looks great and I love your writing style! So funny!

  10. Love the chair and loved reading your story of it! ♥♥♥♥♥

  11. Hello..Hello,

    I'm another first timer with MMS help. You rocked that slipcover!!!!

    Well done girl.

    Janet xox

  12. I can so relate, I tackled this project too thanks to Miss Mustard Seed, and it wasn't quite as easy as she made it look! I goofed in an "armpit" too and I found if you throw a throw over it, nobody will notice! Great job!
