Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Funny

This is a photo of our family last year at a parade....I think it was the Homecoming parade for our tiny little town of twelve (okay, there is more than twelve, but sometimes it feels like it.)

I know it's tiny, I can't make it bigger. The point is to look at what I am holding....Batman. He wears a costume at least once a week....batman, spiderman, transformer, you name it, he wears it. That is classic in and of itself.

But I can do better....

Me: Jack, you are one smart little dude.

Jack: I know. I hear that a lot.

Me: You do huh?

Jack: Yeah. I should tell Daddy that shouldn't I?!

Classic Jack. He turns 4 next Wednesday. He wants an orange cake with orange frosting and lots of colored sprinkles. That means I get to make Ex-Boyfriend Carrot Cake. YES!


  1. Jack!!!!!!! Love it!

    Isn't it wonderful to feel that loved and confident!!!!


  2. Jack is a boy after my own heart. In our house we love your ex-boyfriend carrot cake...thanks for sharing it! :)
