Monday, March 21, 2011

Mom Ramblings #27

1. This is my little sister. We call her Lou. Her real name isn't Louise. This is her new fiance. They have been together for as long as I can remember and they are gettin' hitched this summer at a lake resort (how cool is that!). They complete our little family. And we are thrilled. (That's my Dad's house, by the way. Photo courtesy him, and one of his three Nikon cameras.)

2. I was going to participate in What I Wore Wednesday this week over at The Pleated Poppy. BUT,  this is the only photo I've taken all week long. This was last Wednesday. So it goes. One photo. The rest of the week I was in painting clothes and my red carhart jacket. So be it.

3. This is Gus. That's it. Oh, and that's my nose. Geez.

4. This is the hubs and me working on a piece. This was a combined effort as part of the dresser was warped and we had to replace the piece and put it back together. He helped a ton! So my Dad, who is here visiting for the week, took a picture of us by it. Don't we look cute in our coordinating Carhart jackets?! (Carhart should pay us....just a thought...or give us stuff....another thought...) See how I'm tilting my head and sticking out my neck so I don't have an ugly neck...I'm not sure if that was a good idea. I look a little dorky....

5. I spent Sunday morning doing something that I never want to do again. I pulled out my hair, I cried, I was frustrated, but I made a cover for the cushion on my favorite chair. It was hard, and yes, I will probably attempt it again, but not for awhile. It didn't turn out too bad...until I tried to stuff the foam and the pillows inside and the underside ripped. Ugh. I was so mad at myself! But, it's the underside, who cares!  And from far away it looks pretty good!

6. See that cowhide rug? You think it's the same one that I just got a few weeks ago, but it's not!
Here's the other one:

7.  I found this real cowhide rug on Craigslist for an amazing price and just had to have it. So we now have two. This fake one is currently in our room and it looks awesome in there. And the real one with real branding who happens to be named Harry, given by the previous owners who found that name on the back of it, is sitting under my favorite chair. I love it. I love that it has scratches from barbed wire and it's's cool.

8. My Dad is here, so of course the spoiling has commenced...he took the boys to Target and bought them each toys, just because....that's what Grandpa's are for, right?! Oh, and I may have gotten a pair of shoes. I'll show you sometime....

9. If you've been reading for awhile, you'll know that I have a love/hate relationship with Dave Ramsey, the psycho money manager. Well, today I want to thank Dave Ramsey. That's all. Tomorrow I'll probaby hate him, but for today. I love him.

10. I think that's it for the day. I've got a few pieces of furniture to show off this week. So sit tight!

Happy Monday! Off to thrift and get a massage!


  1. Isn't being spoiled by/having your children spoiled by your parents great? I always feel bad because my parents spend SO much money on us when they visit, but after much convincing on their part I start throwing stuff in the cart too!

    (My dad was in town last week and my mom still is- they've bought us krispy kreme doughnuts, socks, nightgowns, shoes, and extra corelle plates. LOVE the spoiling!)

  2. You're so cute, and your sister looks just like you!

  3. I love to read your blog, especially your ramblings! It's like my thoughts have been recreated by someone else! You inspire me to want to re-do my house, that was just re-done last summer.

  4. 1. Sweet!
    2. Cute!
    3. CUTE!
    4. Cute and a little Vanna White-ish
    5. Comfy!
    6. Moo!
    7. MmmmOOOOOO!
    8. Jealous. No, really.
    9. Deep breaths.
    10. Can't wait. LOVE your stuff. Over and Over!
    Sign Off. Jealous (again)

    Have a great week!
