Thursday, March 17, 2011

Craft Closet Makeover

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

Yesterday I showed you our office makeover: (BTW, that bulletin board is going somewhere else!)

Today, let's talk craft closet. Ugh.

We made a trip to Ikea a little while back and picked up a drawer unit a small shelf/drawer and lots of boxes.

Then we made a trip to Home Depot (again, they really should pay me...) and had them cut some shelves for us. We have the tools to do it, but really, it is so much easier for them to do it for us.

We, and of course when I say we, I mean Tom, measured everything and hung up all the shelves. I supervised. I did put the cabinet and the shelf storage thing together!

Then I put everything in the pretty white boxes and filled the jars and put the toys away and labeled all the pretty white boxes...

And now, we have a pretty storage closet to hide all our stuff. I will probably paint the closet at some point, but right now I'm just enjoying being organized!

Oooh...look how pretty it is! So, that bottom drawer unit and the two plastic containers came from Ikea. The two drawer pull out shelf came from Ikea too. As did all the white boxes. The glass containers came from everywhere. Target, G-dub, garage sales....You can use whatever kind of glass container you want, I just think they are convenient and available.

I think it turned out great. I've got lots of room, some things hiding so we don't have to see them and toys that are constantly played with easy to reach.

The bottom drawer unit is full of craft stuff for the boys...they love to draw.

And you are getting a sneak peek at our new doors!

Love this closet. I know, it's the little things. Do I think it's pretty? Yep. Bonus points if you can tell me how many times I said pretty.....


  1. Beautiful door! Amazing change....can we take bets on how long it will stay that way. I mean of course it will stay exactly like that. Enjoy

  2. I'm such a sucker for a good before and after post, especially when it comes to organizing! Good job :-)

  3. LOVE the door!

    The closet looks so beautiful!

