Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A sewing table refab.

Some of my favorite things to refab (that's re - fabulous!) are sewing machine tables. They make great nightstands, end tables, entry tables, or hall tables. And they are small enough where it can be fun to be funky and bold.

This little table I picked up for a couple dollars. The top was not attached and it had some kinda ugly stain on it.

So I painted it sea glass by Martha Stewart stained the top ebony and rubbed ebony stain all over the thing. Oh, and I put some fun Anthro pulls on it too. And now....I love.  And I named her Gertie. She already found a she will have a happy place to land.

I love that you can see the old handle outline - looks a little like wings....

Super cute.


  1. I love this makeover. What a transformation...from blah to ahhhhh. :)

  2. Hey...I have one just like this...guess I need to spruce it up like yours! Thanks for the great idea!
