Thursday, March 24, 2011


For some reason my all time favorite thing to refab is a buffet. I love them. I love the way they look, the way they turn out, the functionality, the hardware, the drawers...everything about them.

This one is no different. Another favorite...

Not too bad before. The top needed to be redone and the insides of the cabinets were kind of gross....

And now....not bad at all!

Of course, she's already found a home. Bummer. I wanted to keep her. Those green knobs are to die for!

Next on the buffet agenda is this little gal. She's going to be an amazing color and I can't wait to get started!

She has a velvet lined drawer and is so dreamy!


  1. I feel the same way about buffets...but I'm yet to get my hands on one a decent price. The two you have are gorgeous!

  2. I have a buffet in my basement waiting for a little love. I'm anxious to see what color you transform it into. You inspire and motivate me.

  3. Those are both great buffets. I really would love to have one. One day I replace my china cabinet with one but for now I need to storage. Those little doors on the second one are so cute.

  4. Hi Kirsty,
    I have a very similar buffet in my dining room and have been begging my husband to ditch it and get me a large china cabinet. I am totally inspired by your painted buffet that maybe I will keep the old gal and paint her up. What color is yours painted and what type of finish is best. I wouls appreciate your input.
