Monday, February 21, 2011

Mom Ramblings #25

1. I have baby fever. Bad.

2. We got a new mini-van. We were a mini-van family before and we are still. Except, there was a bunch of wheeling and dealing, and I hate feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. But then! Then, we drove it on Saturday (on date afternoon, mind you) and something with the breaks went wrong, so we ended up spending our date afternoon sitting in the car dealership. Boo. And we still don't have our van! I know, feel sorry for me.

3. I am not a design guru. I wish I were.

4. I hate IKAT. Not IKEA. Ikat. The fabric pattern. Hate it.

5. I got a new chair. I don't think I'm going to share it. However you never know....

6. It was 15 dollars. Awesome. I taught myself how to sew cording yesterday, just for this chair. I'm so excited! Of course I'll show you when I'm done.

7. I also ordered this rug for our office/play area/work area:

It's from Overstock.  Emily A. Clark, I blame her. We've been wanting one for a long time, but until I saw this one, I wasn't sold. Then I saw her post about it, and I was sold. So, it should be here in a few days.

8. Home Depot is having an absolutely amazing deal on special order doors right now. Buy the hollow door and get an automatic upgrade to solid core. Guess who is gettin' new doors! Hooray!

9. That's what I've got for today. Maybe some more on the chair tomorrow. I'm going to start ripping it up this afternoon!

10. Happy Monday!


  1. jealous! i am on the hunt for a chair, except i have NO money and NO ability to fix one up. quite a pickle, right?

  2. I passed by two amazing french armchairs the other day at the thrift store for $10 a piece!!! But that was before the dining set sold, so now I have more room and I'm thinking I should go back and get them. Sorry if I stoked your baby fever with all the naming talk. ;)

  3. Calling Home Depot now to get an estimate. Yippee you and good for me.

  4. you're 2 people shy of you do giveaways? have parties? call the band?
    just curious. no other reason. nosey, maybe, a little, too.

    please teach me how to do cording properly. mine always looks too fat and roomy. maybe it's the foot?

    the van thing? The category of stuff I call and stick in the 'navigating life' file. hope you get a new van and another date afternoon!!!

    baby fever? never heard of it.

    I'm running over to google to see what IKAT is.

    my friend in CT has a cow hide looks really cool. that's a bear, right? or it was?

    oh my gosh about the doors!

    and can't wait to see your chair...we'll all be melting, I'm certain!!


  5. I am so addicted to chairs, love that one.

  6. Is baby fever catching? Because I have it too! I also don't like Ikat, it just looks messy to me.
