Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The chair I've always wanted.

I've wanted a chair like this FOREVER. I just love it. I got it at fifty percent off at my area St. Vinny's. So, I spent all of fifteen dollars on this girl. The fabric however, not so much lovin' it. And the cushion was a little firm. Remember how I said I swear a lot when I do upholstery. Well, I still do.

I just couldn't wait to get started on this. I really wanted to do a linen, but, I'm cheap. So I grabbed a drop cloth for twenty bucks at HD and washed it.

I was going to wait and have my friend help me with the cushion, but I was nervous and neurotic, so I started on it.

I took all the fabric off. Just grab a needle-nosed pliers and pull.

 This is what you are left with:

Save the fabric and do a small little measure. I usually over compensate because I don't want to mess up.

Then I laid everything out and cut a piece off my drop cloth.

It's important to do the front of the chair first so you can staple in the back. Some of this is just guessing at what is going to work and finding a place for the fabric to attach....

On this chair I used a combination of staples and upholstery nails. When a staple didn't work, a nail did. I like using nails better, but it takes forever!

I got my sewing machine out and did a few practice welting strips with my zipper foot. Then I measured and cut the drop cloth, errr...I mean, very expensive linen fabric.... I just ripped it apart at 5 inch strips and sewed pieces together. Then I pinned and prayed. And I got this:

Then I had to deal with that leg.

OHEMMMGEEEE....He's so stinkin' cute. It's a good thing, because he found his lungs. Screams like crazy...

I eventually grabbed my glue gun and got to work.

I started on the outside and glued and maneuvered and attached the best that I could.

When I got to the front I had to figure out how to attach the two end pieces together, so I sewed up one end and left the other end open with some extra fabric and when they met together, I stuffed the closed end into the open end and glued. You'll notice it right smack dab in the middle. (It's not perfect! I know that!)

I also had to make the cushion. I grabbed an extra pillow not being used. I wanted to do welting on the cushion too, I may do that. But, I just wanted the thing done! I cut and pinned and sewed. Then I left a small little section open to do this:

Who does stupid stuff like this? I tried to see if the pillow fit inside the cushion, it didn't work. I tried to use the shop vac to blow the feathers from the pillow case to the seat cushion, it didn't work.

Laugh. Okay, stop laughing now.

Seriously. Stop laughing.

So, I ended up grabbing a handful at a time and shoving them into the cushion and then cleaning it up off the floor and shoving that into the cushion and then grabbing another handful and shoving it in, and then cleaning the floor and get the idea.

It worked. I hand-stitched (That's right! I can do that. My sewing skills are beyond good. If you believe that you haven't been reading long enough!). I itch and my lungs hurt and my back hurts, and I itch....

BUT, this is the result:

It's not perfect. But, I did it and I love it and I wouldn't want it any other way. I am so happy with the results. SO HAPPY.

Nope. Not selling. I don't think. Nope. Not selling.

Cost Breakdown:
$15 chair
$7.80 cording
$20 drop cloth (I have half a 9 x 12 left)

Total: $42.80

Can't beat that! Especially when I found this chair from Restoration Hardware:

 This chair costs anywhere from $645 - $860.

Mine, under $45.

I know there's looks better....but, mine is really better.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yours is better and looks way more comfortable. Fun with feathers!

  2. Wow, I am so jealous right now and your post started my morning out right, got the kids fed, they pouted over something and coming back to the office to read, hit the spot. Thanks.

  3. Great chair!And you did a wonderful job on it.

  4. Great job!! Upholstering makes me cuss too. I have an electric staple gun, like yours. I thought I was upgrading from the manual one. It's really not that great. I'm really wanting an air powered one that hooks to the compressor. MMS says that's the key to easy upholstery, and since I want to be her... ;)

  5. Great news! I'll be home between 5:30 and 7 p.m. tonight to accept delivery of that chair. ;)

  6. This post made me laugh. It is exactly how I do my projects. I have no patience to wait on anything. Ever. I also rarely know what I am getting into. I should probably take photos of my crazy processes too but I am too ADD. (not that you are crazy or ADD or anything- ha)

    Love your method. Love your chair.

  7. Your chair turned out fabulous! Definitely better than that RH chair. Pffft to the RH chair. The welting looks great! I lost my zipper foot and can't make any without it, but refuse to buy something I already own, so I'm at an impasse on a few projects. Now curl up in that chair with a nice cuppa. You deserve it. Thanks for sharing.

  8. you know how much I love really must know!

    I laughed, I cried.....

    LOVE your chair so very much...and now that you've blazed the trail I might try it some time....the welting. Oh you thought I meant re-upholstery. HAHAHAHAHBWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I want to see someone sitting in that baby...the cushion looks so cushy for one's tushy!!!

    500 Missy!!!! Party time!

  9. I love it I want to try and redo some chairs but just a little scared. Thanks for the step by step pictures.
