Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mom Ramblings #26

I've got a bunch of things to discuss today. The most important of these is this:

1. Vodka in the eyes. Apparently all the kids in college are doing it. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE? Seriously. Absolutely ridiculous and if my kids ever do this, I swear I will rip their eyeballs right out of their sockets. Do you hear me kids?!

2. A more pleasant topic. Yesterday I was furniture shopping at Goodwill. I went by the discount clothing bin and these pants caught my eye:

Who doesn't love a pair of Gap blue capris in the summer?! So, I grabbed them, paid my $1.54 and left. When I got home I tried them on and found a twenty in the pocket! What amazing luck! Now, I'm sure you are thinking one of two things, 1) She should really donate that money or give it back to Goodwill or 2) What amazing luck! I wish that would happen to me. Well, it never happens to me, that was awesome! And, I will have you know that I turned around and spent it at another Goodwill, so I figure I practically donated it.

3. We got our cow rug today! I'm going to show you a series of pictures. Prepare yourself. I love this rug! I'm trying to decide where to put it. I am leaning towards the office/play area/sunroom/kitchen, for practical reasons, but it does look pretty cool in the family room!

Here's the current rug in the family room, with a stretchy dog on top:

Here's the fake cow rug in the family room:

Looks pretty cool in there! But, not very practical for our family, we like to lounge on the floor....

Here's the cow rug in the catch-all room:

Of course, Rue the chair won't be there and I'm searching for a computer armoire...

Here's the furry rug in there:

Too big, right? Overwhelmed by rugs? Totally. Plus, I'm looking for an inexpensive 8 x 10 Jute rug for the dining room....ugh. Rugs.

4. One of my best clients brought me this little commode to paint for her:

I just wanted a very old look to it, so I did a little dry brushing....added some different hardware and now she will have this:

I added this little drop pull that I had leftover from a buffet awhile ago. I love this pull! One of my favorites!

She also brought this for me!

It stands at 19 inches tall. It is awesome. I love it. I really love stripes right now, so I went to town with it.

It's not painted perfectly. I know. And that's the way I wanted it. I absolutely love it like this. I added some little anthro knobs too. LOVE. DOUBLE Puffy paint heart LOVE. The boys filled it up with their race cars. Seriously. Is nothing sacred in this house?

5. I spent my free 20 bucks on this:

It's almost done. I'll show you next week!

6. That's a lot of content for 6 points. Yikes. Tomorrow, a little something...


  1. This is kind of totally unrelated to your post, BUT. Your dog is so cute! I would love to see more pics of him/her...I have two Bostons and I love them so much!

  2. Oh goodness, Kirsty! Can't you all learn to lounge on the cow in the family room?? It's smokin' in that room!

    And the commode is beautiful...I don't know what dry brush means and isn't it cool to say 'client'. Well, that would be me. Dry brush?

    The kids dresser is wonderful! I also love those GIANT glass containers. Where did you find them? Please don't tell me's an overnight for me to go to the closest one.

    Can't wait to see what you do with the trunk...I cannot even imagine anything with that. But you will.

    And if we find something in a pocket or a bag or on the ground does there have to be this extra pressure to 'give back'? I say you gave. You received! *heart*


  3. love that stripey dresser in all its perfect imperfect glory! and those paints were a steal!
    and i found $13 in a nightstand once, but i paid a toll both ways to get it, so i thought there is no way i am paying more tolls just to bring it back. and yep, i kept it.

  4. Kirsten, I really want you to come redecorate my house. :)

  5. The cow rug rocks. Is the tiger stripes quote still up? Cant seem to find it. SO funny.
