Thursday, February 17, 2011

A few furniture refabs.

For some odd reason, yesterday was filled with productivity.

I'm not sure I even sat down.

I'm pretty sure I forgot to eat lunch....oh, and supper. How does one do that. I rarely forget a meal.

I scored some sweet pieces at my least favorite second hand store during their 50% off sale in honor of Valentine's Day.

I'm not going to draw out the makeovers....I may have to save one of them for tomorrow, because it isn't quite finished, but I will show you a few. Right now. Because, who doesn't love a post filled with furniture makeovers?!

Okay, I know I'm not saving the world or curing any number of the millions of diseases, but I'm having a good time, and I think I'm making a few people happy, so, onward!

First up:

Ugly Secretary Desk.

And now. Beautiful and fun bill paying or homework doing desk. Who wouldn't be happy paying bills or working on calculus while sitting at this desk?!

And what about this desk. Eh, not too bad now, kind of a boring old banker's desk.....

And now, a hip cool teenager's desk where she will write countless love letters and draw hearts with initials of some boy, and practice writing her name with his last name....not that ANYONE ever did that....

If you've been reading for awhile I love doing what I do, and I love when people say, paint it a fun color - whatever you want......

So, I took this cute little dresser that was kind of ugly.....

And turned her into this:

Hello warm yellow dresser, with dreamy Martha Stewart for Home Depot pulls, you make me happy just looking at you. Seriously, loving this one.

And, my favorite of all favorites. I know I say that a lot. But seriously, I double heart with puffy paint love this dresser.

Before, ugly, drab, not made for two little princesses....

And now. Made for two princesses. Absolutely. Positively. Gorgeous. Dreamy. Goodness.

There you have it. I'm exhausted. I'm going to eat a few brownies and watch some soaps....


  1. they all look great, kirsty! i especially love that yellow piece- lovely and warm!
    my party is going on now for furniture makeovers if you want to come join!

  2. Love them all!!!! I think the yellow piece is my fav...but it's so hard to really chose a fav when that are all so great.

  3. Fantastic makeovers! I especially love the little yellow one. Fab color and great pulls on it. Don't you love what a little paint can do? Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow, you WERE busy!! Those pieces are all incredible. Love the blue secretary desk and the yellow dresser! This makes me want to paint some furniture!!

  5. I'm catching up on the posts I missed while I wasn't reading blogs for a while. I have a question for you.

    Can you walk us through the steps in how you paint? Say...if it previously had paint on it, do you strip it or sand it? or just prime and go? What about if it's wood and not painted before? Do you strip the stain off? and you mostly spray or brush? Do you always prime? I want a good finish when I start doing this, one that won't scratch off (of course).

  6. oh and forgot to say that I love ALL your makeovers on these pieces on this post!

    My 2 year old was sitting with me and noticed the Cozy Coupe car in the background of one of the pics and let me know that she zikes it(her special way of saying likes)! :)
