Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two chair makeovers. Betty and Rue.

If you follow White Butterfly on Facebook or you follow the White Butterfly Blog, (not that you need to!) you would have already seen these two chairs.

But, for those of you that are over here and want to see a couple of cute refabbs - check these out.

These chairs were perfect for refabbing. Not too difficult to reupholster, meaning, I don't have to sew, and they could potentially be super cute.

I layered some paint on them and cut out the caning on both. Although I like caning, I had a different idea.

You all know I wanted to go with something like this,

but at $57 at the local fabric retailer, and even $25 at Calico, that was too spendy for me.

So, I went to JoAnn's and grabbed some home interior fabric in some great patterns. The first chair, after a lot of swearing and crying and one stapled finger.....

I used some left over foam I got for free at a flea market last summer for the arms. It worked perfectly!

I love the contrast of the stripes with the flowers. One would never know looking from the front that there were wild and crazy stripes on the back! AND, from the back you would never know that the front was a nice soft tan flower pattern. Love that.

The second chair I did just a little differently. I put the stripes on the front and didn't do the arms. I like the openness of this chair. It feels light.

Tom thought it would be hard to line up the stripes, I of course said, "nah, I'm a TOTAL professional, nothin' to it." Yeah, right. Sometimes things just work out right....

The back of this one is burlap. I HEART that. It adds just enough texture and I got to put burlap on a piece of furniture without actually having to sit on it, or smell it! Two 'yahoos' for that!

I love them both. So fun and so casual.

Oh, one more thing. You must go check out my girl Sarah's new farm table. Made from barn wood. You will be in awe. It is so awesome.  Oh, and she just happened to mention me and my table that I like to snuggle with. That rocks too. She does some amazing furniture refabs. Ah-mazing.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Wish you could work on some of my finds. You are good girl.

  2. What beautiful chairs! I love what you did with them.Very sharp!

  3. I am completely and utterly impressed at your reupholstering skills! The contrasting prints/fabrics was genius. And those stripes? Perfection!
