Monday, January 3, 2011

Mom Ramblings - The Christmas Edition

1.What a fantastic Christmas Vacation we had!

This cute blue-eyed kiddo was getting two molars and was NOT the most pleasant one to be around. But, it's hard to be upset with him, I mean, look at him! Plus, I read that the pain from teething is comparable to I understand the pain. And the crankiness. And the drool. And the snot.

2. We traveled 10 hours to NoDak. 10 hours. We saw family and hung out with my Dad. We were spoiled rotten with treats and presents and snow. Lots of snow. And one extra pound on the tush. We had potato cakes for Christmas Eve and Lasagna for Christmas Dinner. Hence the extra pound....But that's okay. It was totally worth it. The boys got spoiled rotten with time with their aunts and uncle (and one aunt's boyfriend)!

3.Why didn't I take any pictures?

4. We then traveled 8 hours to Northern Wisco to spend some time with Tom's family. 8 adults, 9 kids, 4 dogs. It was chaotic and messy and delicious. We had a fantastic time. It is so nice for the boys to spend time with their cousins. They all seem to get along so well. The weather was crazy warm for Wisco and we were outside most of the time, sledding, building snow forts, and mastering the art of rolling snow into a ginormous 12 foot tall snow man.

5. Oh, and eating, which of course is where the other pound I gained came from. That's right. I gained back what I just lost. I know. It's such a vicious cycle. Oh well, you lose some, you gain some. I've got all year to lose it again!

6. Jack loved the snow fort. That's right. Helmets with tape covering the holes. And goggles.  Safety first.

7. Gus and Jack loved being pulled on the sled by their "Reindeer Mommy". Uh, that would be me. To get some exercise I would run them up the hill/driveway and push them down the driveway and run next to's a long driveway!

8. We made chocolate covered pretzels, and to say Jack got carried away is an understatement....
Sprinkles anyone?

9. Ooohh! We took a sleigh ride with hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps (only for the adults, of course). Porter with his cousin Maggie (they were connected at the hip the ENTIRE week).

Jack and Daddy enjoying the sleigh ride.

10. Porter spent most of the time with his cousins sledding. I've got video. It's hysterical. He stands at the top of the hill and yells, "Comin' dowwwwnnnn...." Then he throws himself onto the sled and goes down the hill. It is the best to see him lovin' the snow. It makes his 'downhill skiing obsessed' father so happy! Did I mention he went to college in Colorado just to be able to ski?

11. We are so sad every year when this week is over. It is such a great family time for all of us. And now, back to work, back to school, back to the grind.

12. In true form, the second we arrived home I started unpacking all our stuff and at the same time packing up all the Christmas stuff. We left the lights on on the tree out back, it's tradition for Tom to leave those up until sometime in the spring. He loves to irritate the neighbors. Dork.

13. Merry Christmas, Happy 2011.

14. I can't wait to see what is in store for us this year. Welcome to all the new readers! I hope you stick around and find out too.

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