Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Revamped Dresser.

In the midst of all the Holiday goodness, I decided it was finally time to paint my dresser.

We have had this dresser for about 7 years, we have a matching high boy too. I really love how much space it has, but I wasn't crazy about the wood anymore. It has a mirror that attaches, but I removed it to add something softer. Although I love mission style furniture, it isn't representative of my style....blah, blah, blah....that means nothing really. I was looking for something different without having to spend money. Duh.

I grabbed my little brush and my oops gray/white and went to work. The paint stuck great. And slid on easily. I didn't sand it, I barely wiped it off. I was lazy.

It looks fantastic. I am bummed that I waited so long to paint it, but excited that I finally did it. Does that even make sense?

Honestly, It just makes the entire room feel softer.

Just a little bit of distressing. Not too much.

The mirror used to be on our mantel. Taking it down from there for some reason made the room feel better and now, in this room it makes the room feel bigger and better. Good move, I would say.

Double puffy paint heart love.

I have no idea if I will have time to post the next few days. But check back in. We'll be in The Frozen Tundra of North Dakota and the chilly Northwoods of Wisco. The boys couldn't be more excited.



  1. Love your makover! Paint just amazes me with it's magical powers to change the look of something!!

  2. looks really great. good painting!!!

  3. I love how this turned out! Amazing how changing the color of mission style furniture makes it look better to me and more "farmhouse" style that I love!!

  4. Dresser = GORGEOUS! Love it. Makes me want to paint every piece of wood in my house. Merry Christmas!

  5. sooo pretty! amazing how far a little white paint will go!

  6. Ok, this is too funny. Just yesterday I decided I'm going to paint my white dresser in my bedroom. I'm going to paint it a gray. Because I can. Now you're totally motivating me to do it TODAY. Hopefully.

  7. i'm so with you. in the midst of it SHOULD paint a dresser. why not? yours looks incredible!! i love it.
    merry christmas to you and stay warm!!!!! cheers

  8. Amazing transformation! Found your blog somehow via Twitter and am now a new follower!!! Looking forward to seeing other projects! :)

  9. Fabulous transformation. From Mission to soft, classic..

  10. I love the dresser! It looks great! I can't imagine how cold it is where you are! Stay warm and Happy New Year!


  11. We have an identical dresser! That I would love to paint and use somewhere other than our bedroom. The mirror that it came with was different than that...I think we may have tossed it in our pre-move toss frenzy. Just had to comment...I found you by your lamp post on CL. I am in your blog.

  12. oops just saw that you said you added this mirror to it....thanks!
