Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, Same Me

I'm not going to do a resolution post. I did one last year. Last year I was a quitter. I'm okay with that, for last year. I don't want to be a quitter this year.

So, I'm going to do some things that I know I can do. I feel confident that I can accomplish. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing too challenging. Okay, maybe a little challenging...

Be kind. I'm kind, but I want to be more kind to others.

Read to my kids more and cuddle more. I mean, I do it so much now, they almost vomit from the snuggles. Might as well embarrass them too.

Read more. And more, and more. And not just my US Magazine and House Beautiful. Actual books. Like the one I read while on vacay....The Girls from Ames. Fantastic Book. Makes me miss my girls.

Bake more using my "new to me" Heavy Duty Kitchen Aid Mixer. That's right. You read that right. My MIL gave me her mixer with the intention that if she ever needs it back, we are super close (as in the same state) and she could get it back easily. It's Heavy Duty. And awesome. Can't wait to make something.

Spend more time doing and less time saying and planning and talking. Right? Do More.

Go on more dates with my hubby. Hello!

That's it. That's what I've got.

I've started a new Honey-Do list. You can follow that over there -->.

I have no idea how many furniture redo's will be done, how many miles I will run, how many blog posts I will do, but I vow to be in the here and now and spend more time doing and less time thinking about it and planning and talking.

See, I didn't give myself big goals or specific goals. Just ideas. Lots of ideas and planning and talking!! Ha, ha.

I didn't say I would give up Diet Coke, I mean really, everyone needs a vice, right. But, I'll drink less Diet Coke.

I didn't say I would run a marathon, because if I get hurt again this year I'll just be angry at myself for saying I would run it. But I may just run a half. Maybe. If I feel good.

See how I did that? Goals without stating actual goals. That's life.

Can't wait to see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. There's something to be said for being flexible and realistic with your plans...a favorite around my house is 'we'll see.' Meaning, let's plan on it and if it works, great. If it doesn't, we won't whimper with disappointment. Your non-goal goals sound great to me.
