Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mom Ramblings #23

1. My mom was a Vikings Fan. We live in Wisco. Hubs is from Wisco. If I see another commercial or crazy story about the Packers going to the Superbowl or the Packer fans so excited and all the crazy things they do for the Packers I may just vomit. Packers, Packers, Packers. Ugh.

2. I've opened the wrong pantry door 1,576,345 times since I switched everything around. So annoying.

3. I took the hall closet door off in our upstairs. I'll have to show you what it looks like. Lots of baskets hiding things. Don't let me forget to show you.

4. I still have the winter blahs. Yuck.

5. I'm wondering why no one wants this gorgeous table....

6. Blissdom, Blissdom, Blissdom....it's all I hear about and I still have no idea what it is (I mean, I do, but do I want to go? Do I need to go? Should I be going?)

7. I've read two really good books on my Kindle (that I treated myself to). The first was The Glass Castle. SO FANTASTIC. Then I just finished Half Broke Horses. JUST AS FANTASTIC! Both were written by Jeannette Walls.

8. Hubs and I had date night on Saturday and got to see True Grit and then went out for sushi. Yum. And the movie was sooo good. I loved it.

9. Porter talks like they did back then. "Mommy, I DID NOT do that." No contractions. EVER. Cracks me up.

10. I'm loving having the dining table in the ummm...dining room. Now, I feel like we are using every room in the house to it's potential. That makes me happy.

11. Oh, and we've been eating dinners in there! I've been making dinner. I know. Stop what you are doing and read that again. I've been making dinner.

12. Did I tell you that I took off the closet doors in the boys' rooms? I did. I guess I need to show you that too. I like it. It looks cool.

13. My Brother-in-law sat next to Ashton Kutcher on the airplane after the Bears/Packers game and they watched the Jets/Steelers game on his Iphone. How cool is that!? Hubs hates it when I name drop, but COME ON! That's fun.

14. I can't wait for garage sale season. Is it spring yet?

15. I'm thinking about renting a big tent and having a sale...would you come?


  1. Oh my gosh, Glass Castle, best book EVER! I can't wait for the movie...did you know they're making a movie??? :)

  2. Yes, I would come to your yard sale if you didn't live so far away in Wisco.

    I removed the doors on several of our closets. LOVE.
    Can not wait to see yours.

    Never read those books. Are they scary? Is someone hiding some where? Does anyone die? I have a tender heart.

    I laughed out loud at how many times you went to the wrong pantry.

    Have not been on date in years.


  3. I am SO sick of Packers talk too! LOL I would LOVE to take that dining room table off your hands... BUT I live in Saint Paul. BOO HOO. hahahah I can't believe that you still have it!

  4. I would totally be name dropping with that bit of info. How very cool!

    I want to see True Grit. Maybe hubby and I will go to a matinee since he is home with a broken hand and driving me nuts.

    I actually thought about you going to the wrong pantry when you did your switch.

    I'd go to you sale if I didn't live so far away.

    I can't remember the last time I read a book!

  5. I usually just stalk you, but I had to tell you I feel your Packer pain, except I'm a Ravens fan who lives in middle-of-nowhere Pennsylvania and all I ever hear about is Steelers, Steelers, Steelers! UGH! Can't wait to see the pics of door-less closets!

  6. LOVED both books by Jeanette Walls too. I don't think you have to worry too much about Blissdom. I have never gone and we live to tell the tale ;) Your winter blahs/cabin fever look far more productive than mine!
