Monday, January 24, 2011

Pantry Makeover Session 2

You'll laugh. I know you will. You'll think I'm a total nut job. I'm okay with that.

I had the intention of making our pantry look more organized and more like this:

Such a great idea! So, on Saturday morning we started measuring and we realized that it wasn't going to turn out the way I had envisioned because in reality it is this tiny little closet that really doesn't amount to much. So, instead of wasting a bunch of money on trying to make our pantry look like this

 I shifted things around. I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out. So far. 

Here's what we have:

In our kitchen we have two doors. Behind door number one on your left was a bunch of pans and glassware and cookbooks on some really deep nice shelves. Behind door number two on your right was food on some wire racks.

I shifted all of the food and baking items and things to door number one and moved the pans and such to door number two. (Everyone following still?)
So, here's what it looks like now:

I'm hoping to change out the doors. How cool would it be to have a split door on one or both of the pantry doors. Also hoping it will brighten things up in this sad little area....

So, grand ideas, turned into something else. And I'm okay with it. Sometimes that happens and you just have to roll with it. Plus, then hubs and I didn't have to do any work this weekend. Yeah!


  1. Great job on the pantries. I so wish I had two options.

  2. I love what you did! And, I'm so envious that you have TWO storage spaces in your kitchen! Becca

  3. It still looks great! Getting it more organized counts, even if it doesn't look like it should be displayed in a magazine!

    Thanks for your comments on the potty training stuff too!! Yep, we were trying to push it b/c #2 will be here in June, but there is still plenty of time between now and then. :) Really it will happen when he's ready, and I guess he was just trying to show us that he's not ready yet.

    Thanks for the encouragement!!


  4. Honestly, who can keep pantries looking like those photos anyway? You did a great job with the space you have!

  5. Ugh, is that yellow pantry something to dream about or what! You did wonderful, I have no pantry so now I have pantry envy:-(
