Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Please tell me this happens to you.

I'm painting trim. (Yes, STILL.)

I got a sample of wall paint to try in the bathroom to brighten things up.

I tried it. (I don't like it.)

I also don't like the builder mirrors.

I pulled on one of the little mirror nubs. It came off.  Easily.

There is no longer a mirror here.

I started to paint thinking maybe he won't notice that the mirror in front of his sink is missing. I mean, he's a guy, how often does he look in the mirror?!

The mirror is sitting in the bathtub....we don't use the tub anyway!

If you don't hear from me for a few days it's because he sent me to work with the traveling circus in China.

I'm not kidding.

Lord help my cabin fever.


  1. I'm still laughing! That has kind of happened to me but more often I don't touch anything because I am afraid of how much work it will be!! Sometimes I need your go get attitude!! Good luck!

  2. I'm not sure what a mirror nub is but I'm sure glad it came off easily. I'm sure he won't notice it missing at all.

  3. To funny!!! Paint a mirror where the mirror once 'stood' ;)

    And how can you NOT use that tub!? It looks so relaxing... well without the mirror of course.

  4. I shrieked at the thought of being in the tub with a mirror...for multi-layered reasons. Yikes!


    I do understand the cabin fever, the husband thing,the mirror, the paint. All of it.

    Will you be blogging in the circus? On your days off? The train cars are very petite, but a laptop should be good.

    Thinking about you.


  5. You crazy lady! You're right, men don't even look in the mirror....NOT!

  6. I've had so fun going through your older post, always refreshing! How can you inspire and keep me laughing.don't care. Just keep doing it!

    Ps, just finished The Glass Castle too! Wonderful book, you know, in the I wanted to beat down the parents sort of way.

  7. I agree, how can you NOT use a jetted tub? It can come live at my house, where it will be used on a twice-daily basis :)

  8. This post is even funnier since I read "If you give a girl a drill" first! hahaha.
