Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A whole lotta chalkboard.

On Friday evening my husband came home from work and was shocked.

One, he thought I was my youngest sister, Lou. On Friday I took the plunge and dyed my hair back to it's natural color. I am loving it. He is adjusting.

Two, in the spot where there was measly little chalkboard in a frame, there was this:

He freaked out a little about an entire chalkboard wall, but this is what it looks like this morning....

See the holly in the corner. He drew it. I think he's adjusting to it just fine. As are the kids. And me.

We still have this huge one, that has not gone unnoticed. It is getting used just as much.

This seems to be the learning board. Porter is starting to learn to read and write and he uses this board daily to do his "homework". Oh, and draw Mickey Mouse. And beautiful flowers. And hand turkeys....

We built this one with 1x2, hardboard and chalkboard paint.

The wall took about 4 coats to do. I even had a helper. This time Jack was napping and Porter was helping.

Here it is, 4 coats. Boy, my kitchen was a mess on Friday.

I love the drama and fun a chalkboard wall adds to a room.

Happy Tuesday. Off to wash slipcovers.


  1. That looks great! I wanted to do something similar and my husband said no - said the chalk dust would drive us nuts. But I dont' really think it's any different than the drywall dust that flutters down from our unfinished 2nd floor, right?

  2. I was so thinking we would get to see your hair and your chaklboard wall!

  3. looks awesome!!! i have a kitchen wall i have been planning to chalkboard, but the ceilings need to be repainted first.... ick. it may be a while. ;) love yours!

  4. Kirsty, The chalkboard wall looks great but I was hoping we would get to see your hair!

  5. That is freakin awesome, I don't think I can say anything more except how cool that is.

  6. That is a great idea. I have a long "L" shaped hall and one of the walls in there would be perfect, even if it was just the top half of the wall. Although, I would not know what to do with the bottom half.
    Did you just paint the chalk over your drywall?

    Mine is textured so I am trying to figure that out.

  7. Where's the hair reveal? We're all "dying" to see it!

    And your chalkboard wall is fantastic! I'm always looking for somewhere to do this. Did you have texture on your walls? We do and I'm wondering how to get around that.

    Love the holly!
