Monday, November 22, 2010

We're in the middle of some very odd weather here in Wisco. Raining, warm and tornado warnings. Very strange. And tomorrow it's not even going to get to 40. Wisco.

Saturday afternoon Tom and I took our master shower and made it wonderful.

We had a shower curtain in there.

It was a nice shower curtain. From Pottery Barn. I splurged.  (It's now in the boys bathroom, which makes it okay!)

But the darn thing kept blowing into the shower. We had a plastic liner. It blew in. No. Matter. What.

So frustrating taking a shower in a tiny little section of the shower.

And it leaked out. So that little corner outside the shower got soaked and yucky.

So we splurged and got this:

Tom put it in, I caulked it. We are good to go.

Although, it's taking a little getting used to looking over and seeing the mirrors RIGHT THERE. AND ME. RIGHT THERE.

I'm sure I'll survive.


  1. In our old house we had a similar shower, but the shower door was ugly and I put up a shower curtain over the shower door. It looked pretty, hid the ugly door, and no blowing-in problems.

  2. Looks great! I know what you mean about the shower curtain blowing in. Our last house, the shower in the master was like yours and we had a curtain and every time the A/C or Heat kicked on, the vent was right in the path of the shower curtain and it just would blow right in. Very annoying!

    Love the shower door! :)

  3. Ha! I wouldn't want to see myself shower, either!

  4. you are brave! I cannot see myself while taking a would give me mental scars :) (I kid)

  5. You have just identified my nemesis. I have never figured out why the liner billows in, but it aggravates the soup out of me.

    Nice doors. :-)


  6. I laughed as I read this because I can totally relate! That's got to be one of the most annoying things in the world!

    And it is shocking to look over and see yourself...all of yourself. My grandmother's shower is like that and I hate it! It makes me want to shower with my clothes on!
