Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

1. We've been giving thanks. We've been eating. We've been rough housing.

2. We ate.

I successfully made sweet potatoes with caramelized onions, pecans and marshmallows. I mediocred (yeah, that's a word, alright.) my first ever batch of homemade stuffing with mushrooms. And I made my first ever oatmeal pecan pie that was out of this world delicious and I will share the recipe with you this week. I had a dream about it last night.

My MIL made the best garlic mashed potatoes ever and my Dad cooked the farm fresh never frozen turkey that turned out amazing.

All in all it was a very successful meal. Even the boys enjoyed.

3. We played games.

Porter won at Sorry. Jack was a pirate.
4. Gus had his first time-out. Obviously he wasn't happy.

5. Then we took the Christmas decorations out. And went to town.

6. We received a Nativity set from Tom's grandma this year, and so Porter helped me put it up. All sweet.

(Sneaky peak at my hair! And my favorite jcrew sweater. Ever. It's at least 15 years old. Love it.)

7. Tom and I got to do some Christmas shopping. Hooray for Grandpas that like their grandkids! We got to go all by ourselves. I was so proud of Tom for braving the crowds.

8. Today we went to Discovery World (a hands on type of museum) which was so fun and then we attemped this:

Obviously it didn't work too well. But, Hubs put some pins in it, and now it's surviving...sort of.

8. And now, what I know you've all been waiting for. The self portrait. It took me 17 takes. And I still hate this shot. But, it was all I could get. It was my first shot.  Definitely a change. But I love it. Take a look at the header if you want to see what I looked like before.

There you go. Thanksgiving 2010 is officially over. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I've got a few furniture posts coming up. Can't wait to show you a few new pieces! Unless of course you are a fan of White Butterfly on Facebook or you watch the White Butterfly blog...then you've got a few sneak peaks!


  1. I love you hair!! So cute! I just dyed my hair darker and redder too. :) Spunky!

  2. love the hair!!! it looks fabulous and perfect for winter.
    and that pie sounds heavenly... anything that is baked and has the word oatmeal in it i pretty much love. can't wait for the recipe!

  3. ok, the hair? It's so YOU. I mean you are gorgeous so the hair doesn't really matter. YES IT DOES!! HAIR MATTERS! OhMyGoOdNeSs does hair MATTER. But this is you. You look relaxed and warm and fallish. It's beautiful! You're beautiful!

    I wish we had a grandpa like that. (haven't been out with EC since 1977) Kidding. But it feels that long!

    why do I write posts on your blog? actually I do this to others too. sorry.

    we are doing up Christmas here today too!

    Happy Happy!


  5. Love your hair! And sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Hugs, Mykl

  6. I love your hair color! I think of you as a blond (you know, since I know you so well and all), but this really suits you. Will it hide paint better? ;)

  7. Wow...what a difference hair color can make. Looks wonderful on you.

  8. Love your hair!!!
    I also go darker for the winter...out of necessity to cover the grey!
    Your Thanksgiving sounded lovely!
    God Bless, and Stay warm!!

  9. Love. Your. Hair. You look beautiful. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Thought of you in Bizzo when I didn't go to Country House Deli for soup.

  10. Yay, I just figured out how to follow you on my new droid x!! Love the hair btw;-)
