Monday, November 8, 2010

This little owl...

Last week while dropping off a bunch of crap at Gdub we ran in to see the furniture, of course. Instead of furniture Jack found this:

(The owl, not the pitcher!)

He carried it around the store and I didn't have the heart to tell him that we weren't going to be taking this little ceramic fella circa 1971 home with us, so for $1.05 we brought him home. 

I had an idea.

Did anyone see the Nate Burkus show last week where he had all sorts of different priced items and which ones were cheaper and whatnot. Well, he showed people how to spray paint animals white. 

I had the idea first! He totally stole it. As did that guy selling the white jaguar for $2500. Yeah. 

So, I primed it. And painted it flat white.

And here he is:

He's got a name, but I forget what it is. If I don't put it up high, Jack carries it around the house and plays with it. 

Coincidentally, we have an owl that lives in the trees behind the field behind our house (got it?) and he just showed up last night and we heard him at 4:30 this morning. Of course, Tom got out of bed, opened the window and woke me up to point it out. Love you babe.

He's not creepy, is he?


  1. love the owl! i have a big thing for owls though and have a few myself that i have also painted flat white- they're much cuter that way!

  2. No, he's not creepy lol! And he's worth all 105 cents if it makes that little guy happy!
