Tuesday, November 9, 2010

DIY Farm Table

Remember my post last week about some farm table inspiration? Today I've got a treat.  If you want to know the deets, read on, if you just want to see pretty pictures scroll to the bottom...

If you want to see what some of my inspiration was, take a look here.

There are lots of ideas and a few do it yourself links on the world wide web, but I just didn't see exactly what I was looking for. So we did it our way. There is no wrong way, well, there's no exact way of doing this. So here's our way....

Items needed:

100 year old barn wood bought off a guy in the country who got it from a guy that was about to burn his barn down. $60.
2- 4x4 posts cut at 30" $9.98 each.
3- 2x4x8 for apron and braces 6.00 each (I think.)
belt sander
palm sander
lots of sand paper varying from 60 to 220.
Howard's Feed and Wax
Protective glasses
Ear plugs

Start by building the base. We used the 2x4 to build the apron. That's what the part under the top of the table is called, for you non-builder types like myself. (I had to look it up, and kept calling it a skirt.)

 I'm not sure what this is a picture of... oh, wait. I know. We used the Kreg Jig to make this so that the screws weren't on the outside and showing.

A Kreg Jig makes a hole in the wood at an angle for the screw to go in so it is not seen. It basically rocks.

Tom cut the 4x4 posts to about 29 inches. I just measured our round table and that was the height of the table, so we went with that.

He then cut out 3/4 of the top section of the post so that the little piece sticking up fit snugly behind the apron.

(The K stands for keep. Not Kirsty.)

Here's my hot hubs cutting the posts.

By the way, we did this on Saturday. It was in the 40s. When I finished it yesterday, it was close to 70. Gotta love the midwest.

Here's what the boards looked like prior to sanding and cutting. Well, the back two are done. The front two are not. Oh, and that's the table base too.

I spent several hours (not really) using the belt sander to get off the top layer of farm. I mean barn. It smelled really bad and the first time I did it I forgot to wear my serious mask and I got sick. Yeah, that's right my serious mask. The one I use for spray painting. Can't get away with a tiny little white mask for this.  They aren't too expensive (I got mine for $37 at HD) and so worth it.

We put a couple of 2x4's in between to add support so the wood didn't sag.

Amazingly we were perfectly square. THAT NEVER HAPPENS to us. You'll notice the angled holes on the outside of that 2x4...that's because they were going to be covered with another skirt (ha, apron). So, no big deal that they are on the outside here.

Hubs also put corner braces on to make sure the table is sturdy and because it just wasn't heavy enough...ugh.

For the table top we used the Kreg Jig again to attach each board to the one next to it. That way we could get the boards as close together as possible. Fortunately things pulled together nicely.

When they were all together we cut the boards to size. Tom said it smelled like animal dung when I cut the ends of the wood.

That's my new Carhart coat for working in the garage. Cute, huh? Not so much. I wanted black, but they only had red in my size. Oh well. I really did cut those boards, too. I didn't just stand there for a picture. It freaked me out and I made Tom do the other end. It took me roughly 17 minutes to cut all the boards, it took him 17 seconds.

We put it up on the sawhorses so it was easier for Tom to screw the top to the base. I lifted that thing up there. It was heavy. My back hurts.

We then attached the boards to the table base prior to sanding. We left one side of the table top long. I have no idea why. I had to climb on top of the table to use the belt sander, it was just easier. It's a sturdy table. I wasn't too worried. Good thing I've been running...

These are the boards that Tom ripped (yeah, that's right. Ripped.) When you cut a piece of wood lengthwise with a table saw it's called ripping. I'm fancy schmancy.

Here's a closeup of those boards. I clamped them to the table so that when I used the belt sander they wouldn't fly through the garage door. That darn belt sander is a wild one.

 Aren't they gorg?!

Here's the table - top cut, board belt sanded, 60 grit on the palm sander. I went over the entire thing with the 60 grit. That took out the rough stuff. Then I took the 220 grit and went over the entire thing. A lot. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. I went over sections, ran my hands across them, then moved to the next section. Then went back again and did the entire process again. I got 72 slivers....or 4.

Once I was satisfied with the feel of the top, I got out my absolute favorite thing in the entire world for wood. Howard's Feed and Wax. Are you listening to me Howard? I heart Feed and Wax.

I just put it on, with a paper towel. Look at the difference.

The Howard treated 100 year old barn wood is on the left. The untreated yet sanded to within an inch of it's life 100 year old barn wood is on the right. Ah-mazing.

(The picture is crap, but give me a break.)

 After I applied the wax, I let it dry. It says to wipe it off, but I don't like to. I like to leave it.

Then, I applied a coat of polycrylic. Then I let it dry. Then I sanded it lightly. Then I did the whole process again. Three times. I need to do it two more times.

I also painted the legs white and then Tom cut and mitered the skirt, I mean apron, that was going on the outside of the base.

Here he is measuring it and making sure that the top of the skirt met up with the bottom of the table top properly. He did have to use the hand planer to make sure it fit and that it covered the same all the way around.

We used some wood glue and our pneumatic nailer to get the apron attached.

Then I painted the apron.

Are you ready for the big finale?

Here it is in our eating area.

Do you think it would be wrong to grab my pillow and blanket and snuggle up on it?

I can't believe how amazing it turned out. It is better than I had expected.  I'm just giddy over it.
I can't wait to put a table runner on it and get it all ready for Thanksgiving!

Look at that beautiful wood. Ahh, glorious wood. I love you.

It's not perfect, it's not supposed to be. But, it's absolutely perfect for me. We are so happy with the results!

I'm going to go ahead and share this all over the place at these amazing blogs.


Piece of Work Wednesday at Primitive & Proper
Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous

Furniture Feature Fridays



  1. No, it wouldn't be wrong to get that blanket and snuggle up. I'd snuggle up too! It's A flippin mazing. Great job.

  2. Great job! It looks very nice and the craftsmanship looks awesome! :)

  3. Looks freaking a-ma-zing. I love it and it is just what I need for my dining room. I was just griping to Nate that we need a new table the other night to go with the benches we made. Nice work Thors!

  4. Looks awesome. Like it came out of a 99 year old farm house. But had been taken care of for 99 years. I'm jealous.

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS! Great job! I'm jealous and need one of these!! Thanks for sharing all the deets!

  6. Holy cow, you made that? You are amazing! I'd love for you to share this at my linky going on right now. I've always wanted to learn how to build something like this. Will definitely be showing hubby.

  7. Wow, wow, wow! Love the color of the wood on top. Do you keep rubbing it with your hand? I did that after I waxed my round table. Just love the feel. It looks great in your room and love it with those chairs.

  8. beats the crap out of pottery barn. well done you :)

  9. Gorgeous...gorgeous...gorgeous, I just can't say it enough times. Great job you two and you definitely can't beat the cost. It's priceless!

  10. It is absolutely gorgeous. You and Tom make a great team, and you are so talented. But then, you ARE my daughter!

  11. I LOVE it! It's absolutely beautiful. You two did a fabulous job. Well done!

  12. Your so funny - snuggle up on it! When you finish a fabulous project like this, you can do anything you want! I admire your talent!!!!

  13. wow - waaaayyy beyond my DIY skills, but it's amazing!

  14. Oh my freakin' gosh. Oh my freakin' gosh. Gimme.

    Best project I've seen in a LONG while. You guys nailed it. Literally. And heck yeah, snuggle all over that purty thang.

  15. I don't say this too often to too many people:


    I am so excited about it (for you) (for me) because it is exactly what I want in our new home with the big, huge long dining/eating/curl up with a blanket on top of the barn table AREA!!! OH MY GOSH....I WISH THIS KEYBOARD HAD SOUND....THIS IS TOTALLY AMAZING...AND YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND ROCK THE STRATOSPHERE TOGETHER!!!!

    oh and I like the red carhart...adds a little femininity to the whole sawing/hammering/planing/drilling adventure!!




    DO YOU HEAR ME?????





    BOB VILLA, for crying out loud!!!!!!!!

  18. total awesomeness!! i love the planked top- that's the best part. it's all fabulous though, and you MADE it!! aaah!!

  19. I promise I'll be done after this....I just posted you on my FB wall!!!


  20. #1. Kolein is scaring me. :)

    #2. This is seriously so ultra cool that I may scare people like Kolein just did! Gorgeous!

    And I LOVE your garage. And your handyman. And all those REAL tools. Oh goodness...


  21. That is BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE IT!! Way to go!!! What an awesome table, and what an amazing memory that you made it with your hubby.
    Oh, and I LOVE your red Carharrt! I was just thinking that it almost looks trendy in red ;) haha!!

  22. Great project! Glad the Kreg Jig could play a part in turning your table idea into a reality! There are lots of other Kreg Jig users at http://kregjig.ning.com who'd love to see your project!

    Great job.

  23. Gorgeous. Got any more of the wood left? That's EXACTLY what I want for my dining room!

  24. It is fabulous! Truly, truly fabulous!

  25. Gorgeous....and I love the finish on the top! Hope you can come link up this weekend! -shaunna :)

  26. That looks sooooo good! I'm lovin' the wide-plank look. Very, very nice. :)

  27. Wow, I'm in love with your farmhouse table. If you don't snuggle up to it, I will!
    Hee, hee.


  28. Ahhhh I love this!! I want to make one too... I love my table but it doesn't have the different pieces of wood on the top! I am still looking for old barn wood.... I asked one guy how much he wanted for 5 or 6 boards and he told me 200.00!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I told him goodluck with that one!

    You and your hubby did wonderful!!!

  29. i think you should win the academy award for re-doing or BUILDING furniture.

    this is amazing!



  30. This is wonderful! Great job - what an inspiration to all of us.

  31. I love this! I am going to feature this on my blog today :)

    Stacy @ Not JUST A Housewife

  32. L-O-V-E it! My husband and I are wanting to build a table just like this! Now, to find that old barn...

    Thanks for the tutorial on how to build it. This will save us a lot of time when we finally get to make one.

    You and your hubs did a wonderful job!

  33. I love the comment about Bob Villa! I feel the same way! hahaha!
    GREAT work! And Thank YOU for sharing the tutorial with all of us!

  34. Yep. Said it before, I'll say it again. LOVE IT!!! thanks for linking it to SFS! -shaunna :)

  35. I love it! this has been on my to do list for awhile... just have to wait until we have a big enough eating area for the size I want... we have a big family for the holidays!

  36. You'd better get your pillow and blanket because that table definitly is so amazing you should be sleeping on it. I love it!

  37. this was already on our to-do list. love how yours turned out!

  38. That is so totally fantastic!!! I've been toying with the idea of making a new table for me too. We have one original farm table but I want one that is a little bigger. Ours only sets 4.

  39. Two things:

    First, I need to know where you live because I'm just going to come and steal your table. I've been hearing from my wife about doing just this project for a while, and I've been daunted, to say the least.

    Second, I looked over that "To-do" list over there ----> and I have to say...are you kidding me? That nearly put me in the fetal position here in my office.

    Excellent work...it looks terrific.


  40. Holy cow you guys are talented. That is GORGEOUS! I built theatrical sets in high school and college, so i'm no slouch with a power tool, but that astounds me. Maybe someday i'll actually finish sanding and refinishing my awesome $8 garage sale find desk...maybe not. Until then I will get my DIY fill drooling at your amazing projects.

  41. LOOOOOVE!!!! This is awesome! I needed a tutorial on how to build a coffee table (same thing - reclaimed) but didn't even know where to start. Thanks for posting!

  42. We need a new table so bad - can you tell me what size the table top finished at?

  43. Love this! So did many others I see! I linked it to my "dining room tables" project post too so you'll get more people over here taking a look it it!

  44. This is beautiful. You all did a GREAT job! My husband and I have wanted a farm table for a long time and have thought at times of just tearing off some boards from one of our older barns (one is well over a hundre years) and making one ourselves. Maybe now we'll have the courage to do it. Thanks for sharing.

  45. I don't know if you check old posts...but would this be the kind of wood you could use?

    Any idea how much you would need to make a table about your size? Thanks! (sorry to keep bugging you! I haven't heard back yet but just love your furniture ideas!)
