Friday, November 5, 2010

Living Room Change-a-Roo

Guess what I found out? Go on, guess.

I went to Home Depot with the color "Classic Silver" in my head, because that was the gray that was in the can in my laundry room. What I didn't know was the color of the kitchen is actually "Porpoise". Anyone that reads the blog could probably have told me that, but I'm an idiot and too lazy to look it up, so I assumed (making an ass out of me) that the color in the laundry room was the last color I used on the walls.

Guess not. I found Porpoise in the basement under the stairs....(anyone remember that book/movie? The People Under the Stairs.)

Apparently Porpoise is just a shade darker than Classic Silver. Which would only be a problem if you touched up the Porpoise kitchen with Classic Gray.....which I didn't because I realized in time that they were different, but not in time to have painted the entire family room that attaches to the kitchen/dining room in the Classic Silver. To the naked eye you would never know. Ever. Unless you were touching things up.....which I didn't.

But, beside the point, here's my new and improved and much brighter and for some reason larger, family room.

I failed to decorate, didn't put the laundry away and a certain five year old wanted to make his presence known.

Here is a before, I hope I can find it. Okay, you can't see much of the wall color in these....

So there you go. A sucky post with some sucky pictures. But, trust me when I tell you the wall color is happy. And joyful and fun. So there.


  1. You're funny! And your living room looks great too! I can't believe how quickly you repaint rooms! Good Job!

  2. Love your classic silver porpoise walls. See just combine the color names, make a new one. I really like that wall hanging on the left. Is it stretched fabric?

  3. I love the color. Glad you didn't do any touch ups.

  4. Hey- cute room. I would like to come and lay on your couch! Tell me, how are the white slipcovers holding up with four dirty boys?? You are so dangerous. I love it!

  5. I love it. I've been wanting to slipcover our couches in white. I am waiting for the cat to die (I love her but she will die one day) she is 11 so 4 more years?
