Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yes, we have a new white couch.

After the whole cat thing, we had a problem. First, we fixed the floors.

Oh how I love you new floors!

Then we chopped up (with a saws-all, mind you) the disgusting and rather uncomfortable couch from the basement and put the ginormous leather couch in the basement. We ended up with nothing in the living room for a few weeks.

I knew what I wanted. I just had to get the hubs on board. So, on Saturday we had the in-laws stay with the kids for the day and we drove down to IKEA to sit on all the couches.

I like Ikea. I know there are people that don't like it because they think it is cheap and some of the stuff isn't built very well. BUT, that is not the case with most of the stuff. The only reason it wouldn't be sturdy is if you didn't properly put it together. Yes, most of the items you have to put together yourself, but, they usually provide the tools to do so.

We left Ikea with a van full of stuff. It was fantastic. We had a great time wandering through the store looking at stuff and not having to worry about screaming, cranky kids. It was wonderful.

The second we got home we put all our goodies together.

We picked white. Well, I picked white and Tom went along with it. I know what you're thinking....she has three boys and two dogs. She's nutzo. It's true. I may be. But, Tom said, as long as I didn't freak out about it every. single. day, then he would be fine with the white.. He actually really likes it. In his words though, "I didn't realize how white it was."

It's already dirty. We've had it two days. But I'm not freaked. Really, I'm not.  I love it. And you know what?! It's super easy to clean. Just throw the covers in the wash and put them back on. Done and done. Oh, and the white covers aren't all that expensive, so if there is a bad stain, I can just order a new cover for a pretty good price.

Oh, we got a chair too.

That dining room table you see in the back of the previous picture has been painted white. Remember, it used to be brown, then white, then white with an ugly yellow coating, then black. Soon it will be chopped off to make a coffee table.

If I can find some barn wood for my dining room table, we'll be in business. I stopped at a farm where the barn was knocked over and asked them for a few pieces of wood, and the grumpy old farmer flat out said "no". His kind wife tried hard and rallied for me to no avail. Bummer. So the search is still on.

But, for now I'm lounging on my very comfortable white couch.


  1. Wow. Beautiful. It already makes the room feel more bright and open, with just the few photos you posted :)

  2. Have you thought about buying new wood and weathering it yourself. There are lots of methods you could use. I recently made a sofa table using a new pine board. I sanded the edges really well then went to town beating it up. If you sand the wood with a rough grit sandpaper to open up the pores and leave it outside it will weather naturally. You can make a stain by soaking steel wool in vinegar (found that on another blog) that gives the wood a gray look. Just in case you have no luck finding barn wood.

  3. Love IKEA. Love your Ektorp sofa...have wanted one for a long time, but just couldn't get past how hard it is to sit on. I have a sensitive butt. :)

    Looks beautiful in your room!

  4. It looks great in your room with the dark floors! I have one chair with a slipcover, not white, and I need to wash it. I'm quite lazy when it comes to that.

  5. Love, love, love it!!
    I have three young boys too. Got a red's trashed. Just tell the hubs that the white won't show spit up or drool. That's half the battle!

  6. I would buy an extra cover sooner than later. Ikea likes to change things and one day they won't make that sofa and you'll wish you had an extra cover.

  7. I have been looking at the same sofa for a while now. I just need to sell my current one and then I am headed to IKEA.
    xo, Sherry

  8. OMG, the timing of this post is too perfect! I asked Santa for that exact couch for Christmas and he is not convinced..... we have 6 year old twins and they trashed our red couch which is now faded. Atleast white can be bleached, I say!! I will keep working on him - and will show him this post!

  9. I love your living room! It looks so unique and elegant. The white sofa really accentuates the area and the dark floors made a very big difference in improving the room. As for me, we had replace our floors with new and improved wood flooring (Tampa) that we got from a store that sells tile(s) (Tampa area) and it looks so amazing.
