Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fancy new stuff.

Finally I did what I've been waiting to do for awhile now. I've gone and gotten a real logo by a real designer. I'm real now!

She did a fabulous job designing a button for the biz and a logo and a new header over at White Butterfly Furniture and all the goodies. Thank you so much Megan!

You can also click on this neat little thumbnail and be directed right to White Butterfly on Facebook! I know! Cool.

So go over there and "Like Me" Click up there, or go over to the blog and "Like Me" from there. All the cool kids are doing it. Okay, that's not true. I'm the only fan right now, but hey, at least I'm a fan of myself!

It's been fun working with Megan on this. She knew exactly what I wanted and I didn't have to spend a hundred and seven hours trying to figure it out on my own. Bless her heart.

Don't worry, I've still got all the crazy things happening here. You won't miss out on the transformations and the ramblings and the cute pictures of my kids if you don't "Like Me" on Facebook or if you don't follow me over at White Butterfly. I'll still love you and I'll still share all the craziness here.

And welcome to all the newbies here!

Hope your day will be a fantastic one!


  1. Hey lady! WOW! This is SO exciting! Congrats to you....all that hard work is paying off.

    Oh and the "like" button on this post does not work for your FB page. You have to go to FB to "like" you. Not that we don't all LOVE you. ;) But they don't have a love button so you'll have to settle for a lot of likes.

  2. Exciting! Congrats on being real. Though, I've always thought of you as real. Have to go see if I can find you on FB.

  3. I'm totally stalking you over there now too! awesome!
