Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mom Ramblings #Ihavenoidea.

1. My garage is an absolute disaster. I've been painting. 

2. I just got back from taking my kids, okay they came with ME, to an antique garage and goodies place. And there were goodies. But disappointingly it was not goodies to refurbish...they were already done. Boo-hoo three hours wasted.

3. I've decided that my boys will not be allowed to watch "Fresh Beat Band." Ugh.

4. Or any channel with commercials during the holidays.  Ugh.

5. Tom's birthday is on Friday and I am stumped.

6. We went to a farm this past weekend and proceeded to terrorize the chickens, donkeys and turkeys because Jack refused to take off this:

7. I made it two days without candy corn. I think I've had half a bag today.

8. Since you are all dying to know the last time I showered...I think it was Sunday. No, Monday. Nope. Sunday. Surprisingly I smell pretty good.

9. I painted this be-ute the other day. Don't send me hate mail. I got it for five dollars.

10. Finally decided to pull Jack from his personal terror of pre-school. Apparently when your child screams bloody murder when you drop him off and doesn't stop screaming until you pick him up, he's not ready for school. We'll try again after the holidays. 

11. We have conferences with Porter's 4K teacher tonight. I totally know she's going to say he's a genius. Totally. Because he rocks.

12. When Gus "talks" he sounds like he's speaking Hebrew. If only I understood Hebrew.

13. Jack has learned to alter altar change his voice, I wish I could make a tape (yeah, that's right, a tape)...he sounds exactly like the girl in the Exorcist. I taught him to say, "Red Rum." It's hysterical. He then proceeded to say without any encouragement and in perfect repetition "E.T. phone home." Sounds EXACTLY like him. It's eerie and utterly fantastic in the same way. My kid could go on the road.

14. This picture makes me laugh. That's a donkey. Ha! A Jack Ass. You know, it's funny because that's a picture of a donkey's butt. I know. I should go on the road. Also to note...Porter (in tie-die and plaid) dressed himself that day.

15. This picture also makes me laugh. Note...Gus did not fall off. And, Jack dressed himself that day...notice, batman costume and sandals. Perfect mid-October in the midwest outfit.

16. And for some reason I giggle at this picture.

17. And still. I sit here and type and eat candy corn. I have no will power. None. 

18. I think I need a haircut - are you reading this favorite neighbor and hair guru?

19. That's all for now. I'll leave you with this. What color should it be? The top is going to be a chalkboard.  Leave a comment. Let me know. Or don't. But, I like to see that you are here.



  1. Hahahahaha I LOVE that he's wearing a full batman costume. What an awesome kid(s) you have!

  2. How bout a pretty gray? I'm really into gray right now! I think that will look great with the chalkboard top!

  3. you are so funny...I mean, like really should think about stand up!

    I don't care for chalkboard tops, personally. do your funky awesome painting and let whoever gets the desk use a pen and paper to write themselves a note.

    I sound kinda mean. I'm not.

    Love your blog!

  4. Lovin this is true LIFE!!!
    Go for any color you's yours and it's only paint!!!...and we only get to live our lives once!!!

  5. I miss the, let's wear our costumes all dang month, stage. Such fun!

    Do you use the chalkboard pens? How do you keep chalk from getting all over stuff on the desk? Are you using black or a color? I was supposed to be answering your question and here I am asking more! If it's black I'll say how about a yellow? Nothing neon.

  6. Lovin the batman costume... But than I got to number 7 and almost thurped in my mouth because the utter glance of the word Candy Corn makes me want to vomit... ugh.. see almost did it again.

    But than I kept reading the and batman with a side of donkeys made it all better because cuteness cures everything.

  7. 1. Showering is overrated.
    2. Candy corn, yum! One of the four food groups.
    3. Paint the desk blue. It's my favorite color and I could really use a new desk. :)

  8. Kind of a chamois yellow or a robin's egg blue/grey?

  9. I like pink. Light pink with the chalkboard paint.
    Love candy corn. Had my kids cleaning like mad just to get rewarded with candy corn. I bribe my kids with candy… a lot. Almost as much as their cool dad:)
