Thursday, October 7, 2010

Red End Table

I've been on such a white kick lately, I decided to take a ginormous leap out of my comfort zone. 

This leap led to red. (Ha.)

I found this tiny little end table at the thrift store I love to hate. It was even on sale, so I paid a whopping $7.36 for it.

I sanded the top because it was in horrible shape.

And then primed her and painted her red.

I was going stain the top, but had a brilliant idea. Actually, I didn't have any stain left, but I had a can of chalkboard paint! So I painted the top in chalkboard. And basically attacked it with a 60 grit sand paper.

It's all scratched up, knicked and bruised and ready for writing.

How fun would it be to draw tic-tac-toe or a checkerboard, or keep score in Farkle. 

Love. Love. Love.

Thanks Nester for the word inspiration.


  1. looks great! i love working with bright colors, especially when i have been using whites for awhile. it's a nice break!

  2. Perfection. I"m really digging all the red pieces I've seen in blogland. Love that curvy front :)

  3. Absolutely perfect! I wouldn't have imagined the combo myself, but I just love it!

  4. I LOVE it. Do I say that about every post of yours? :) Perfect for a boys' room. Maybe mine?

  5. Love it. There is something so festive and happy about RED!

  6. I love this! Just curious, how much would you charge for something like this?
