Saturday, October 9, 2010

Not having a good time.

Blogger and I are not getting along. I have a meeeelllionnn photos to share and some fun news, and the photo upload on blogger and I aren't getting along and that makes me angry. 

So. I'm frustrated. But I have fun stuff to share, so hold tight. Hopefully I've got a post soon.

Cross your fingers.


  1. Have you tried Windows Live Writer...its AMAZING! I never have a problem posting and its keeps me really organized.
    Here's a link:

  2. Have you tried uploading right from picasa? Hope you get it going.

  3. Is it only letting you load on photo at a time? That's what it's doing to me, and it's a real pain.

  4. I 3rd Windows Live Writer!! It is great, I've been using it for about a year with no problems.

  5. Ditto with the problem uploading photos. I will be checking out Window Live Writer.

  6. It looks like we're all being tortured with the same software bug. I did a post with tons of photos the other day, and it took FOREVER. I've heard the wonders of LiveWriter, and I've been hesitant to learn it ... it may be time to kick the Blogger editor to the curb.

  7. So now you know what my frantic texts were about that one day...flippin blogger. They are ruining my life. Love you friend. Sounds like Chicago was good to you....can't wait to hear/see your finds!XOXOX
    The BFF
