Wednesday, October 6, 2010

DIY Chalkboard

I love chalkboards. They are so fun. I know there are so many fun colors available in chalkboard paint now, but I love the old standby black chalkboard.

I wanted to make a ginormous one like the one my boys use on a daily basis, but with a twist. Apparently I forgot to do a little tutorial on that one. It's coming. Soon. I've had it around for so long, I can't believe I didn't write about it! I will. I couldn't find a picture of it on my computer. I've got to go and take one. Later.

This time I took a huge picture I found a GW for $9.99. The sticker  on the back said it was from JC Penny's. The price....$250. Seriously. It actually looks like a picture my grandma had while living in Arizona. Nice, but not my style. Sorry for covering it up for all you painted clay pot picture lovers.

All I did was take a can of Rustoleum Chalkboard spray paint and paint the ENTIRE thing, frame and all. 

After it dried over night I took chalk and rubbed it all over the ENTIRE thing. 

I got clever without even thinking about it....

Now you can draw on the frame as well!

I'm lovin' it.

Yeah for chalkboards!


  1. I have a 3' by 5' portrait of some dude in my garage right now, waiting to be chalkboarded. But you did the FRAME too?! Absolutely love it. Thanks for sharing!

    -Ann Marie

  2. Awesome! Love this! I have been on a chalkboard making tear lately, I never thought of painting the frames, though, fabulous idea! Love your blog, happy to find you and happy to be your newest follower!

  3. Yes, I love chalkboards, too! :) Just found your blog and so glad I did - you have such cute ideas! :)
    I'm a new follower, woohoo!

  4. Hey kirsty you have a very interesting blog, i will visit ur blog regularly, u should go for this website to increase visitor.Happy Blogging!!!
