Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wedding Weekend

My sister married her best friend this weekend.

It was an absolutely perfect wedding.

The bride was stunning.

The kids were well behaved.

And Oh my gosh, couldn't be cuter.

The Reception was totally fun.

Really? Seriously? Dying...

Hooray 4 Love.

Our families got along famously.

Look at those girls! Can you tell we're sisters?

What a handsome bunch. 

Congratulations to Sara and Mark. May you have a lifetime of happiness and joy.

*All photos courtesy of Mark Anthony Photography.


  1. Great pics! such cute kiddo's and beautiful ladies!

  2. what is it about wedding pics that just make me cry? i get filled with all these happy emotions of hope and joy as they venture into their new life together. i remember feeling so excited on my wedding day for the life my husband and i were going to build and share. and here we are now, and it couldn't be better. i wish the happy couple a lifetime of love and wonderful stories to tell their children and grandchildren. stunning couple!

  3. Beautiful, all of you, everything. Sara looks absolutely stunning. Looks like it was a fun weekend, I heart weddings.

  4. Congrats to the sis! Is that the Plains Art Museum in Fargo? Random I know... I went to school there! Such a pretty place!!!

  5. Beautiful wedding! Your boys are just to die for! I got a kick out of their ties with little skulls! The perfect touch of whimsy and originality.

  6. Congratulations to your sister and her new husband! It looks like you all had a wonderful day, and your boys...just darling!

    Kat :)

  7. You're right! Couldn't be cuter or more beautiful!

  8. OMG - amazing. What gorgeous pictures. And such charming little boys - they are so so handsome. Love the sister pic - makes me miss my sisters!

  9. You all look fabulous. The bride is glowing in her beautiful gown. The kids are too cute in their little ties. Makes Gus look like a big guy. :( I wish the happy couple many many years of happiness!

  10. Everybody gorgeous! Bridesmaids too!

  11. What a beautiful family, the pictures look like they are from a magazine with models!


  12. Congrats to your sis! You have such a beautiful family!
