Monday, August 16, 2010

Here's where those mice went...

The momma that took those three mice found her way back into another place in our garage! Can you believe it?!

This time I found her in a plastic bin with a bunch of extension cords in it. 

AND this time, she freaked me out. I wasn't expecting her to drop out of the cords and the three little babies start flying all over the place!

When I started screaming hysterically like a little girl, Tom told the boys, "I think your mom found the rest of the mice."

Ha, ha. Very funny.

So, after about a week, here's what those mice looked like....

Still don't have their eyes open, but they have hair.

I let the boys hold them and cuddle them and nuzzle them and give them kisses....whatev. No way. I made them wear gloves and masks and then they could look at them....

Tom took care of them this time. I won't tell you what he did. But, I will tell you that I accidentally ran over the mom with the lawn mower...I was crushed. Especially since I wanted to keep these guys. If it weren't for germs and diseases and creepy tails and beady eyes.....


  1. Much cuter this week. So sorry about the others, I think.

  2. As a former lab rat that used to work with research mice daily...for YEARS...these posts have cracked me up!! Sorry about your "loss". RIP.

  3. I havent quit laughing since the last mouse post... so you KNOW this is just keeping me snickering!!

  4. Thanks for the support, gals. I start therapy for my mouse problem tomorrow.

  5. ICK!!! I hate mice...scared to death of them, actually. So glad they are out of your garage. Whatever it takes to get them gone is my thought.

  6. So glad you got rid of them, your posts cracked me up! My hubby couldn't look at the pictures, he's a bit phobic!!

  7. I am really not so sure what to think of you after these "micey" posts. This is not the Kirsty that I know and love. Rodents are not our friends. Neither are snakes.....I can't believe I even have to tell you these things....

  8. Lord, these mice have been thru the ringer, I don't suppose you will see the babies again since you ran over the mom with the lawn mower. i can't believe you did not let the kids kiss the mice on their cute little lips!! LOL


  9. You crack me up!! I'm not a fan of mice either. They are cute when they are in the cages at the petstore...but not when they jump out of unexpected places or scurry across your kitchen floor leaving tiny mouse poops everywhere!! You can tell that I've had experience in this area! lol...that sucks about the Mama mouse though. I'd be heartbroken if that happened after seeing those babies!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm not a fan of mice either.. but the little ones are really cute.. and they don't know they are icky mice... they are just little babies snuggled up with each other doin their best they can with no momma... I ran over a garden snake with the mower once.. I actually felt bad,,:(
