Friday, August 13, 2010

Those chairs that belong in an ice cream shop.

I liked these chairs. I really did. 

In fact, I love ticking fabric. I started by putting this exact fabric on the cushion for the chaise lounge.

My goodness that is an adorable kid. 

So, when I put it on these chairs, I figured it would be fantastic. Eh. I wasn't crazy about it.

So, when the boys and I took our very exciting flat tire invoking trip to Ikea I found some fantastic fabric to use on the chairs. Oh, you are going to love it.
I'm not kidding. LOVE IT.

Can you see the orange on the leaves? I also distressed them a ton. I may do some more too. We'll see how I feel in a couple of days.

I just love them now! I've got two more chairs to do. I think I'll walk you through the reupholstering, painting and distressing of the next set of chairs. Anyone up for a little tutorial of sorts?

They are all going to be placed with this table.

Right now it's sitting in the garage with the top sanded down and the base legs primed. The legs are going to be white with the top stained ebony. So dark that it's almost pure black. It's going to be dreamy.

It's too humid to do much spray painting right now, so I'll be back to it in a few days when the barometric pressure, dew point, and temperature are all different numbers instead of all resting in the nineties.  (Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? I'm fancy like that.)



  1. What a difference the fabric makes. Perfect example. I love the blue! No ice cream store now.

  2. i love the blue fabric- it's much more vibrant and playful!

  3. That fabric does make those chairs look so good. Isn't it weird how one change can make such a difference? Can't wait to see the table. Still running? I am trying to decide if I should enter a Twilight 5k tonight.

  4. That fabric is lovely! I was just at Ikea yesterday and did not see that fabric. I may have to go and look again.

    I think the chairs and dark table will look lovely together.

  5. I knew you'd come up with a fabulous solution, and you did! LOVE the blue.

  6. Love, love, love the fabric. Missing Ikea now. Way to humid here also for spray paint. Mine bubbled last week for the first time ever. I haven't tried since. I guess that was the problem. What do you think?

  7. The chairs look amazing! I can't wait to see the whole look with the table put together!
