Monday, July 12, 2010

Painted railings.

I know. I KNOW. Back off.

I said I was going to live with the oak. I know. I KNOW! I couldn't do it any longer. It was making me feel so...dark. And gloomy.

So, over the last few weeks I've slowly but surely painted the railings. I had a lot of them. A bunch.

I started by priming the whole thing with Zinser. I used that because I was at Menard's and that's the brand they have. Usually I use Kilz. But whatev. It worked. Then I started painting it with the white. OH. MY. GAWD. It took stinking forever. I couldn't figure out what to do to make it easier. Because I was so stinkin' annoyed with how long it was taking. I thought about going out and buying a sprayer and using the air compressor (I didn't, but I'm getting one soon....). So then I figured....yep...this is what I figured:

Open the windows and doors.

Put plastic all over everything.

Spray paint the railings.

And so I did. Yes. I. Did. I spray painted my stair railings and it looks Ah-mazing.

Boys weren't home. Doors were open. Aired out very quickly. Awesome.

If you remember, I tore out the carpet from the stairs and stained the pine planks a few months ago. You can read about that process here.


Love those stairs. Then I painted the side runner and that looked amazing too. Just not quite complete.

Here is the after, after (after the first makeover and now after the second one):

I mean seriously. Can you hardly believe the transformation?

Here's a quick look again:

I've still got to fancy up the edges and do some touch up on the walls, but I am in love...

And then I have to get started on the rest of the trim...all over the house...


  1. Love it! So much better than the oak. I know natural wood people will scream. Looks wonderful.

  2. The white spindles definitely look better with the treads and risers. What a job! I am thinking of getting a paint sprayer too. I think it would make short work of my projects and a nice finish. I'm going to wait for you to pick one out first!!!

  3. Looks great! How many cans of spray paint does it take to do something like that? I painted all the trim/baseboards in my former house - it took eons but looks really good when done :)

  4. Amazing...I would have done the same thing...except maybe painted the top railing a darker espresso...I have three boys too and I don't think the white would stay clean! :)

  5. Ohhh Nice! I love it, much better!

  6. the oak is pretty- but WOW I love the white, When I saw the pics of the first make over I was so hoping that you would paint it white!
    Im glad that after all your hardwork that its SO awesome =]

  7. I'm an oak non-liker and a white trim lover, and I loooooooove this. The before was okay but this is SO MUCH better!

  8. What an amazing transformation. I painted out all of our trim when we moved into this house and the change is more than dramatic.

  9. Oh, my gosh! That just is amazing! It looks so good, and so completely changed!

    Well done!

  10. WOW. I don't even know what else to say. Looks fabulous.

  11. Glad you decided to jump looks amazing!

  12. wow, that is one hell of a transformation! I love it! it looks so bright and fresh!

  13. What a SPECTACULAR staircase!! I bet you're thrilled. Is the hubby coming around about you painting over the precious wood? ;)

  14. FABULOUS - seriously so much better!!

  15. Sounds like a lot of work - but definitely worth it! Looks beautiful!

  16. Wow! It looks absolutely fabulous!

  17. that looks wonderful! i love how airy and open it makes it feel! and great minds think alike- i just painted my railings and stair risers this weekend. :) haven't shown it yet though as the area needs some tweaking before i am ready. plus my floors need to be refinished. badly. love your staircase!

  18. It looks FABULOUS! TO die for. Want to come paint all of my oak trim too!?!?!?!? :)

  19. I am in LOVE too. You are such an inspiration. Just the thought of that big of a spray paint job right now makes my fingers hurt. I've just finished an dresser and a desk and a bookcase, and my hand is still aching. I thought for sure you had to have an air compressor to make it easier for yourself with all the work you do. . .

  20. Wow! That looks amazing! As you know our house is oak overloaded too! We are STILL refinishing our kitchen cabinets! 5 months after start date and we are half done. I can't wait to show you our finished product. Now, maybe you can come and paint all the trim in my house too :) I am amazed at how quickly you get things done!

  21. Your after is 100 percent fabulous.

  22. Absolutely amazing! I love the transformation.... You did great!

  23. WOW! Looks amazing...I love how you always just go for it!

  24. AMAZING! I have to see how you did the steps...I'm hating my carpet!! you have inspired me! I'm your newest follower!

  25. Looks like you and I are in the same painting boat. I have been doing the same and posted about it also. Only I still have stair carpet which was a big pain in the arse. Yours looks great! :)

  26. Completely gorgeous transformation! Your stairs are perfect... I'm still working on convincing the hubster that we should pull up the carpet & paint the stairs... I'm putting your staircase in the PoPP Spotlight on Saturday... have a great weekend!
