Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Finding fabulous items

Sometimes we just get in the car and drive. No agenda, no time frame, just driving and exploring. When we tell the kids what we are doing we call it an adventure.

This past weekend we took such an adventure to a quaint little town in our area and then on the way home, we happened upon a sign. It read: Rummage, Tools, Junk. And that was it. So we went.

I found some pretty great stuff, that was a little pricey, and I may end up going back for them and negotiating a little bit....we'll see how brave I am....but, I did negotiate on this fantastic table.

This awesome, gorgeous, wonderful table. It was marked $30. And because I have a self-imposed limit that I only spend on used items, I asked for it for $20. And so it came home with us.

I love when older pieces get that crackling look to them with just the stain. LOVE IT.

Not selling. Not painting (so far). I'll probably take a buffer that I have to rejuvenate the luster of the top. And that's it.  Just keeping it dreamy.

The place was wacky. As in, WEIRD. But, he had a bazillion things that I would have rifled through had the bugs not been terrible and the hubs and kids wanting burgers. And he was not selling the most amazing cherry red Ford pickup that I would love to drive around town in. He's going to be selling stuff until October, I'll have to go back and see what other crazy stuff he's selling...


  1. Great table painted or not. It has so many purposes, I am sure you will not be disappointed for that price. Bugs eewwww!

  2. If you ever change your mind about selling that wonderful piece let me know! :)

  3. That is a pretty fabulous table. And for $20 bucks, you really scored!
