Friday, July 9, 2010

Yeah, that's my dresser....

Okay. I think my heart stopped may be because I just ran in 80 degrees with humidity close to 100 percent, but whatev....this is really why my heart stopped....

Remember this beauty? (BTW-no one's bought it must be destined to be mine, if you want it, let me know.)

Miss Mustard Seed herself picked my dresser as one to feature over at Furniture Feature Friday! I'm dying. Seriously. D-I-Ying.

Furniture Feature Fridays

I mean, this girl's a pro....I'm just a farm team. (All I can think of when I try and do a baseball analogy is Field of Dreams and that movie about the girls playing baseball in the midwest with Tom Hanks and Madona....A League of Their Own, thank you google.)

And those gals that contribute. I'm just crap. Seriously there is so much talent out in bloggityville. I'm just in awe.

So, I'm going to go and try and know, so I can be a pro....

Thanks Miss Mustard Seed!


  1. I was so excited for you when I saw your dresser posted on MMS blog. It was well deserved! You do great work lady!

  2. I was excited for you too when I saw you on MMS! You are SO not crap! Shut up! I love your redos.

  3. How awesome to be on MMS blog! She has a great site and you are worthy of being there!

  4. Woo hoo! Congrats! I felt the same way when Knack commented on something I did. Like, really? Me? Are you sure?

    Love your transformations and your blog, especially the funny quotes from your cute kids.

  5. You ARE a pro:) I was just admiring my dresser today, I love that some of the white shows through the blue, beautiful!

  6. Kirsty, it looks to me like you are pretty good!!! :) Congratulations on the Miss Mustard Seed feature.
