Friday, July 2, 2010


I'm feelin' a lot less mopey! Sometimes life gets in the way of fun and I don't like that! Thanks for all the nice comments and pick-me-ups!

So, I haven't been doing much except surviving the last few days without killing my kids....I did however get another coat of paint on part of the stairs. Hoping to finish this weekend. I'll show it to you then. It's looking fabulous!

I also wanted to show you this sad little nightstand that I picked up the other day. You've all seen this style I'm sure. I got it for $9.99.

I probably wouldn't purchase something like this again! I'm not a big fan of the plastic wood. It's too hard to paint!

Coat of primer, a couple coats of white paint, a little bit of Ralph Lauren Smoke Glaze, and some new handles. Haven't used the glaze in awhile and I forgot how much I love it!

The paint crackled a little on the top corner and it really just added to the aging. Which was good, because I was getting annoyed with it!

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Canada Day (a little late!) and Happy Independence Day!


  1. Ew, plastic wood! Can't stand the stuff! But it worked out well for you!!! Beautiful piece!

  2. You are not going to believe this... I just bought the SAME nightstand!!! I painted mine a glossy black... :)

  3. I almost grabbed one just like that the other day. Love it. Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. I have the matching dresser to that night stand and have been mulling over what I can do to improve it. Your night stand turned out much better than the original. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. I have a very similar set, but mine aren't plastic wood. I've got a question for you though. When you're refinishing a piece of wood furniture, how much time and effort to you put into sanding it first?
