Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mom Ramblings #14

1. I'm feeling awfully defeated by my current leg problem and the ability to only run 1.81 miles before I have severe pain. After an MRI, physical therapy and some serious praying there is still no relief and it looks as if I will have to take a long break. THAT MAKES ME CRY. I have goals! I have the Chicago Marathon to run! Needless to say I am bummed.

2. My 4 year old has suddenly turned into a 13 year old girl. Every time I give him some sort of consequence for his behavior, he says he hates me. Great.

3. My mom died 4 years ago this past Sunday. That day was NOT fun.

4. We went to a family reunion on Sunday (yep same day as number 3) and visited the grave sites of some of Tom's relatives. Odd. Being in a cemetery on the anniversary of my mom's death, but not at her cemetery. Odd. I cried. All. Day. Long. But it was fun to meet some of Tom's relatives!

5. Could this post be ANY more depressing?

6. On a lighter happier note, I got to spend Saturday afternoon with a fantastic friend. Leah over at This & That. Love her. She was a sorority sister of mine and a fantastic gal. I've said that before. She's just so great. Love her to pieces. It's so funny because we haven't seen each other since college, but reconnected through blogging and would send messages to each other about missing each other, but we hadn't seen each other in 10 years! Love that.

7. I've decided I love the look of these and must have them:

Frye Calvary W from Zappos for $225. Totally out of my price range. But may have to figure out how to justify them.

8. We have cat pee (and kid vomit and playdoh, and paint, and fur balls, and anything else disgusting that you can think of) all over our carpets. I'm trying to figure out what to do in the front room and the living room. Has anyone used the vinyl planks at HD? I'm not a laminate kind of gal, so I'm trying to figure out a product that will be somewhat easy to install and is fairly inexpensive, but doesn't look cheap....(I should edit that and say, I don't think that laminate is cheap looking, I just don't like the ones I've seen in our price range.... does that make sense without offending anyone? Because I never want to offend someone that likes laminate! Geez.)

9. What makes a kid think that it is okay to pull down his pants and take a dump in the front yard? Even though he is fully potty-trained and has been for a year? Umm...3 year olds.

10. I got a dresser and nightstand at GW. $9.99 each. I'll show them to you tomorrow!


  1. I'm so sorry your having a tough time! I didn't hear about your leg injury...how did it happen? Its so hard to be stopped by physical limitations...that's one of the main things that bugs me about STILL BEING PREGNANT! So sorry about your Mom. You need your mom no matter what age you are...you always need them! Hope everything gets better...and laminate at Home Depot can be super pretty and "real" looking...I see it all the time and am amazed! Good luck and I'll be praying for you!

  2. I LOVE those boots too! If you figure out a way to justify them - let me know so I can sell it to my husband too!

  3. Aww, Kirsty. I'm sorry you're having a rough time lately! At least you know it's a phase with your 4 yr-old and it will get better, tomorrow or next week or in a month. Hard to know how long those phases are going to last!

    Good luck with your leg (hope you find some answers soon!) and your floors - here's to a wonderful rest of the week!


  4. Don't feel bad.... I can only run about 1.8 miles and I don't have anything wrong with me... other than being lazy!

    Hugs about your mom! So hard.

    The boots... totally justified. Buy.

    Cat pee. Pew. Laminate is hard. It either looks real or cheeesy. Don't do cheesy. :)

    Three year olds pooping in the front yard - funny.

    Dresser and nighstand at GW. Jealous. I will be even more jealous after you post your always amazing after pics! :)

  5. Holy smokes I feel normal. My 2 year old daughter hurled in the neighborhood swimming pool an hour ago. Had to close the pool. Nice.

  6. Sorry to hear about your bummed leg and mom. I hope that the leg gets better. I'm thinking I'm down that path sooner than later too. Sucks getting old!
    As for the laminate, good luck. We just installed that new "vinyl" but doesn't look like vinyl, but tile. I LOVE IT! Not sure how spendy it is though.
    I can't wait to see the new furniture! I wish I was handy like you.

  7. Hi: I'm very sorry you are down in the dumps...I hate when I get like that - hang in there it will get better.

    As to the vinyl planks...I don't think most of the people responding know what you mean but I do. Yes they have it in a tile look but I have not used that. I did however install all by myself, and I am a 47 year old single mom with few home improvement skills, the Allure Traffic Master in my bedroom, living room and hallway - I chose the hickory and I love it. It looks like real wood but doesn't have the tappy sound that laminate has. It is very easy to install. It is a little tough to cut around corners but straight cuts are a breeze. It has a 25 yr warranty and was 1.79 square foot. That is what sold me. To get a laminate with that kind of warranty would cost over 4.00 a square foot. Plus, it's water proof and supposedly, you can use a hair dryer to loosen the planks if you need to remove one because of damage. I truly love the stuff...for the money it is awesome and seems very durable. Also, you can don't have to lay down any underlayment or anything like that. I highly recommend it.

  8. I'm so sorry it's a rough week, anniversaries like that are always tough. It just sucks. I am glad I got to see you, though I wish we could have spent more time. Buy those boots with all your hard earned cash, I may have to get a pair myself:) They'll make you feel at least a little bit better.

  9. ohmygosh! My three year old boy just did the same thing in the back yard. But he missed the grass and "it" landed in his crocs. Nice. I got out the hose and hosed him and the shoes and the grass down. So Gross! Glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. aack, Little Boys. Never had to worry about this with my daughter!

  10. K-
    Sorry about the tough week. I have tears for you. I clearly remember your mom's funeral. Hard to believe it was four years ago... such a wonderful woman and mother.
    As a fellow mother of three boys. Um, yep. It's a phase. It'll pass and one day you'll miss this crazy stage.
    And the boots, I have them! I got my Fryes about six years ago and I can honestly say they are my most comfortable shoes. Not kidding. I have worn them for 3 mi+ hikes/walks. Have had days where I am on my feet all day in them and not suffered. They are the best and worth every penny. Get 'em.

    Love you!
    ((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))

  11. Ok, I needed that laugh from #9- or should I say- #2!!
    My 3 yr old did the same thing, but in the shower! I overheard him and his older brother (6 y.o.) bragging about who could fart the loudest in the shower. Well, seems the 3 y.o. trumped his brother by making a bigger demonstration of rectal power! Let's just say no doggy poop bag could have handled that cleanup. GROSSS!!!!! I have never felt my blood boil as much as in that moment. But for some reason, I am giggling about it now as I remember it. Thanks for the memory jog and the laugh.

  12. I'm sorry you are having a difficult time. I'm sure the fact that you cannot run is huge...that post-excercise endorphin release is hard to match as far as stress relief...at least non-pharmaceutically. :) By the way, I looked at your next post on the nightstand...you did a great job. I have never tried the RL smoke glaze. I might have to pick me up some of that!

  13. I have the vinyl planks and it's great! Wish I had it in the remaining rooms. We put the vinyl tiles in the kitchen and I hate them...they look like real tiles..I think I just don't like ours. But the planks are wonderful..a breeze to install, nothing to take care of, 25 year warranty and I have removed one and replaced it...also very easy. I highly recommend them to everyone. We got ours at Lowe's and they were 99 cents each but it's been 4-5 years ago.
